Your Problem with Scrapbooking is Not a Lack of Time
You’re Just Not Using the Right Strategies… Yet!
Dear Crafty Friend,
I know what it’s like to love scrapbooking but struggle with consistency.
But, I am a happy and productive scrapbooker today because of the strategies I teach in my free, 50-minute workshop: SPARKED.
Leaning on these lessons week after week, I stay connected to my hobby and forward-moving towards my goals. My personalized toolbox and a supportive community are at my side whenever I need help.
I created this workshop because it’s something I wish existed before I started to feel overwhelmed and frustrated. It’s for every scrapbooker who is ready for a change and I’m guessing that’s you!

Are you ready to feel SPARKED?
When you implement the strategies in my free workshop, you will…

Feel more motivated to scrapbook, no matter how little time you have.
Have systems to get more organized and stay on track with your photos.
Starting creating with consistency and finish more of your scrapbook projects.
Learn my favorite strategies to reignite motivation and build lasting creative habits!

When you sign up for SPARKED you’ll receive access to my 50-minute training video and a companion workbook. You’ll also start getting emails from me about new podcast episodes, blog posts, and happenings within the Simple Scrapper membership, if you weren’t receiving them already. You may opt out at any time!