We’re all the same inside

by | Scrapbooking Ideas | 3 comments

I really loved this video from Lain so much that I wanted to pop over and share it with everyone here at Simple Scrapper. She is 110% correct that we need to forget about this mysterious “divide” and simply learn from and appreciate each other for all our creativity and individuality!

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  1. Ang

    I didn’t even realize there was a “divide.” That’s just silly.

    I started as a paper scrapper shortly after my daughter was born almost (gulp) 12 years ago. Back then digital equipment was SO much more expensive. I paper scrapped for about 6 years and was only working on ONE album the entire time. I am a painfully slow paper scrapper. Once I discovered digi (2006) I was rescued from my OCD paper ways. For a long time I digi scrapped exactly like I paper scrapped (style-wise) I was just using a different media. I still have paper supplies that I love, I just do different crafts with them instead of scrapping. I love what I’ve seen of hybrid, but I’m happy in my own little digi world. BUT inspiration comes from anywhere. I never thought that once I switched to digi I wouldn’t buy a paper scrapbook magazine anymore or visit paper craft websites, etc. for ideas. When I go to my friends house to scrap I just bring my laptop now instead of totes of paper supplies but I scrap right along her and her paper and we have just as much fun as we always did.

  2. Lain Ehmann

    Thanks for spreading the word, Jennifer! I agree that any kind of false divide is, indeed, silly. I love the idea of taking inspiration from ANYWHERE we find it! I look forward to hearing what others have to say. It’s obviously a hot-button topic for me! πŸ˜‰

  3. Jackie Bodick

    I think the divide is really silly!! I started as a paper scrapper and started digi about 4 years ago and love both. I consider my self a hybrid, love putting brads and glitter on top of my digi pages, just to add that umph. I do paper crafts with the kids and do my digi for myself. In my world there is room for both and get inspiration from both worlds and bring it into mine.



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