Simple Tip Saturday with Delanie Wood

by | Productivity Advice | 7 comments

As part of bringing back the Simple Tip Saturday series, I wanted to offer fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Simple Scrapper team member Delanie Wood with her simple tip.

Simple Tip Saturday with Delanie Wood

What is one way you simplify scrapbooking?

When I sit down to scrapbook I keep my notepad in easy reach, writing down any supplies I’m lacking or can’t find.

What problem does it solve for you?

Keeping a list of scrapbooking supplies that I reach for but don’t have, or that I’m running low on, helps target my scrapbooking shopping by identifying products that I need and use. I may have 10 pieces of different blue patterned paper but if they are all bold patterns and I’m reaching for a subtle tone-on-tone, I know which I should and shouldn’t buy next time I’m shopping.

The items on the list can also help fine-tune my organization by showing how I use and think of different products. If I was searching for a blue subtle patterned paper, I know my patterned paper should be organised by color, not manufacturer or florals and geometrics.

Why do you think it works so well?

It’s quick, easy and helps me justify buying a few more supplies.

How can others get started with it?

Grab a notepad the next time you sit down to scrapbook, or your phone if your prefer your tech, and when you reach for a supply you don’t have, just write it down.

Simple Tip Saturdays are for sharing easy ideas to grab and run.

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  1. carolyn

    Thanks for the tip!! I’m going to get a notepad to keep on my scrapping desk right now πŸ™‚ !

    And thank you Jennifer for bringing back Simple Tip Saturday. I am looking forward to more great simple tips!

    • Delanie Wood

      I hope you find it helpful Carolyn! πŸ™‚

  2. Cate

    I’ve been doing this with my craft room as a whole, ideas for organisation, items I’m running short of, ways of setting up the room that I want to ask others about. Great tip!

    • Delanie Wood

      That sounds great Cate! I do think it’s much more helpful to analyse and assess the room when you are in the midst of it. πŸ™‚

  3. Cathie

    This is a great idea and one that I am going to start using right away! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Delanie Wood

    Glad you found it helpful Cathie. πŸ™‚

  5. Cyndi Brideaux

    I have a whiteboard to jot down needed supplies or things to remember. I like your idea of being mindful of the papers reached for most often. I will pay more attention.


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