My Favorite Stash-Busting Approach (Q&A)

by | Scrapbooking Supplies | 3 comments

It’s Q&A month and I’m answering your biggest questions about life, business, and simple scrapbooking.

Q&A with Jennifer Wilson | My Favorite Stash-Busting Approach

What is your favorite way to use up older stash?

My favorite way to use up a lot of product at once is with a mini book project. A dozen (or more) patterned papers and a variety of embellishments can be combined to create a small album. Plus mini albums can often be completed very quickly by using the same page designs repetitively.

That said, I really try hard not to accumulate a lot of older stash. I do this by being very picky and by matching my shopping rate to my scrapping rate. This effectively means that I buy just a little each month and only do a bigger shop when I feel like my stash is running low.

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  1. Betty Roark

    I use my 8 1/2 x 11 stash of paper to wrap small gift boxes, such as jewelry boxes. It works great and I just tie a ribbon bow

  2. Lisa Timme

    I created a Pinterest board specifically for layouts that use lots of small pieces of patterned paper. When I find myself with lots of scraps, I check that board for inspiration πŸ™‚

  3. Gab

    I too am trying really hard to use what I have before I buy more


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