Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

by | Projects & Processes | 16 comments

My heart leapt when myΒ three year old asked: “Mommy, will you teach me how to make a scrapbook?”

Seriously. That happened. Verbatim.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

It was 8:30 p.m. when this happenedΒ and she was procrastinating.Β I encouragingly said yes (but not right now).

When the time came to go for it, I gathered the brag book, some Project Life title cards, washi tape, and the valentines she had received at preschool.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

I set her loose and only assisted when asked.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

I showed her how to use washi tape to adhere a valentine to the Project Life card.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

I showed her how to use a tape roller to stick one paper to another.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

The end result was a lot ofΒ practice, a lot of pride…

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

and a little bit of mess.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

After we cleaned up, she put her new valentine scrapbook in her backpack to bring to school.

She tells me she can’t wait to scrapbook with me again. But firstΒ she wanted to make me a card.

Scrapbooking with a Preschooler

And my heart melted all over again.

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  1. Natalie (QSOgirl)

    So amazing and awesome!!! I basically dream of this happening with my little girl someday soon!!

  2. Kim McKelvey-Smith

    I totally LOVE this! So happy that Emily is emulating you, Jennifer, and learning to be creative as well. May this be the start of a lifelong passion!

  3. Stacy Bryant

    That’s awesome! I love my two boys, but I am a little sad that I will probably never have that moment.

    • Gwen

      surprisingly I had it w/ my 6 yr old boy when he had to make a scrapbook for his Tiger Scout project! it was awesome πŸ™‚ It’ll probably be the only time we do it together as he’s moved on quickly to Skylanders but for that hour and 1/2 my little heart went pitter patter!

  4. Claire

    i loved that you gave her just enough guidance so she would not be frustrated and her scrapbook became her own creation.

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Thanks! I am chief washi tape tearer around here.

  5. Amber M.

    One of the best things about this hobby is sharing it with others, especially our children <3

  6. Sarah

    Which Project Life kit did the card with the constellation drawings on it come from? I am in total LOVE and I know my space-obsessed preschooler would be too. Thanks!

  7. Diane

    Ahhhh, she is so sweet! I love it when kids get enthusiastic about crafting and story telling. She did a great job at only three years old!

  8. Carmelle Landreville

    SO AMAZING AND AWSOME! I like it Emilie BRAVO!

    I use to do some with one of my grand kid and he did one for a work he did for school. Maybe for genealogy work and also for the Karate, he had won a medal for the QuΓ©bec games.

    My grand daughter did many pretty posters with scrapbook items. Everytime they have something to present they come to see mamy because she has lots of scrapbooking stuff. Now she is at the University in MontrΓ©al, she is doing colloques and many things on environnement and communication so what she learned with me in scrapbooking is serving to her school projects and for all those international communications with people and you never know what the kids learn to what this will serve later… Presently they are doing posters for a school strike….
    Wow! I think I just wrote something for a story. I will put this in one of their scrapbooks.

    • Carol White

      You certainly did! You need to share it when you’re done.

  9. Carol White

    I probably stifled my girls with my perfectionism. Good for you and how you handled her creative process. My heart would also melt if my girls wanted to make a scrapbook.

  10. Vera

    What a sweet experience! For sure there will be more days like this πŸ™‚

  11. Meg

    SOOOOOO sweet πŸ™‚

  12. Gab

    Oh she’s adorable!

  13. sandra

    I scrapped with my two oldest grands when they were preschool and kindergarten. When they come visit they still want to scrapbook with me, they are 11 and 13 now. They younger ones are coming up, its time to get them started. So much fun and seeing how creative their little minds are is amazing to see.


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