SYW250 – Aligned with the Seasons

SYW250 – Aligned with the Seasons

In this episode I’m joined by Helen DeRam to chat about the intersection between the natural seasons and our creative practices. Our conversation explores how we can feel more aligned with seasonal shifts and introduces a new workshop we’re teaching together.

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SYW247 – My Way with Miranda Webber

SYW247 – My Way with Miranda Webber

In this episode I’m interviewing Miranda Webber for the My Way series. My Way is all about celebrating the unique ways memory keepers get things done. We’re excited to have Miranda as the January featured artist at Simple Scrapper.

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Hey there, I´m Olivia Pro

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about healthy living. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you improve your health & reach your goals. Combining my certification & experience, I want to help you develop a plan to reach your goals.



Halvah sesame snaps dragée. Marshmallow marshmallow tiramisu pastry icing tart. Chocolate cake pie candy gingerbread oat cake jujubes.