SYW215 – Deconstructing Paige’s Pages

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Paige Evans is know for her bright, detailed scrapbook pages that put patterned paper on a pedestal. Most often these days she’s crafting with her own signature line with American Crafts. In this episode we’re going deep into the strategies, tools, and techniques Paige uses to be a prolific paper artist. You’ll learn surprising details, secrets of her process, and what to expect from her new book!

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[00:01:19] Jennifer Wilson: Welcome to Scrapbook Your Way, the show that explores the breadth of ways to be a memory keeper today. I’m your host, Jennifer Wilson, owner of Simple Scrapper and author of The New Rules of Scrapbooking.

This is episode 215. In this episode I'm joined by Paige Evans to explore the development of her signature style and the creative process she uses to craft her intricate, colorful scrapbook pages.

[00:01:48] Jennifer Wilson: Hey Paige, welcome to Scrapbook Your Way.

[00:01:50] Paige Taylor Evans: Hi. Thank you so much for having me.

[00:01:53] Jennifer Wilson: I am really looking forward to our conversation today, but for anyone who doesn't know you, can you introduce yourself to our listeners?

[00:02:01] Paige Taylor Evans: Absolutely. My name is Paige Evans, or Paige Taylor Evans. Just like Paige Evans was already taken when I signed up for Instagram. So, there's that story. So my middle name's Taylor. Anyway, um, I have been scrapbooking since I was 16 years old. My very first job was at a scrapbook store and it's just kind of snowballed since then.

[00:02:24] Paige Taylor Evans: Um, I live in the suburbs of Denver with my husband Chris Evans, which is kind of funny cuz you may know somebody that name. Um, and we have two kids, Fox and Jane, and they're the subject of most of my scrapbook layouts. My son Fox will be 13 in October, which I can't even handle.

[00:02:47] Jennifer Wilson: Wow.

[00:02:48] Paige Taylor Evans: I know a teenager is scary. And my daughter Jane is, uh, she's 10. Uh, and I just, I love scrapbooking so much. I have 15 signature collections with American Crafts with.

[00:03:02] Jennifer Wilson: That's incredible.

[00:03:03] Paige Taylor Evans: With more in the works. So that, that's me in a nutshell.

[00:03:07] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, yes. I have to admit that when you, when your bio said married to Chris Evans, I did like scroll through your feed just to make sure.

[00:03:15] Paige Taylor Evans: That so funny. Yeah. And when we go to the movies, that's like our thing. That's what we do for date night. We go to the movies. So you know, all the teenagers there are just like, what? You're Chris Evans. But anyway.

[00:03:27] Jennifer Wilson: So I love to ask our guests what is exciting them right now, and this year we're asking for both a scrapbooky thing and a non scrapbooky thing. So what is exciting you right now?

[00:03:38] Paige Taylor Evans: A non scrapbooky thing. We are going to Santa Fe for our spring break in a couple weeks, and I, I think I've been, but it's been like, I don't know, probably 25 years or something. So really excited. We're staying in a hotel that, it just has Paige written all over it. It's got like all these colors and patterns and textures.

[00:03:58] Paige Taylor Evans: So I'm super excited to stay in this hotel. And then the, the pictures that are gonna come from it that I can scrapbook of course. Um, and something scrapbooky that I'm looking forward to this year. I, I think we're gonna talk about it a little bit later, but, um, my book, my very first book. I'm, I'm just counting down the days until that releases. So very excited about that.

[00:04:23] Jennifer Wilson: Yes. Yes. Both of those sound totally awesome. And you know, Santa Fe is not that far from you. Are you guys driving?

[00:04:29] Paige Taylor Evans: Yeah, it's just like six hours down south on the freeway. It's crazy. I didn't realize that it was that easy to get to, so just six hour drive.

[00:04:38] Jennifer Wilson: Yes. Yes. What a great distance. I hope you have an awesome trip.

[00:04:42] Paige Taylor Evans: Thank you.

[00:04:43] Jennifer Wilson: And then of course, we always love to ask about kind of the flip side as well. Like what is a really important, sometimes deep story that you still haven't told, but you want to. And we call this our memory keeping bucket list. So what's one story on your bucket list?

[00:04:59] Paige Taylor Evans: You know, I don't think I've actually scrapbooked a full scrapbook of our wedding. So that would be number one. Um, and then number two, we, we love going to Disney World and Disneyland. And I've done a full album for Disneyland, but I haven't done one for Disney World. I've actually had all of the pictures and everything inside of the album. I just have not found the time to finish it up. So that's definitely on my Bucket List of PHDs, which is Projects Half Done.

[00:05:34] Jennifer Wilson: Maybe you need to do a, a Paige style Disney collection. So like what what would it be like if you put your spin on it?

[00:05:44] Paige Taylor Evans: I think, you know. I'd be super super colorful and whimsical. Cause you know, like traditionally when you see Disney themed, supplies, it's like red and yellow and black. But if you go to Disney it's just, it's all the colors, you know, like think of the small world facades, like lots pastels, pretty things. And so yeah, definitely it would be very colorful.

[00:06:09] Jennifer Wilson: No doubt. So we're gonna kind of dive into more of that today. Um, I'm calling this episode Deconstructing Paige's Pages. Because I want to like go a little bit deeper on specifically your layouts. Because I think we could talk for a lot longer than this episode, if we included your gorgeously detailed, layered mini books as well.

[00:06:32] Jennifer Wilson: Um, and as you mentioned, your style is bright and colorful, detail, texture, and dimension. And, and really like every page is a work of art, which is why, you know, you have them hanging on the wall behind you in so many of your, your videos and photos. But can you maybe start by sharing how you plan the direction of a page? What, what happens when you're getting started?

[00:06:54] Paige Taylor Evans: Sure you, you know, I wanna rewind in time a little bit cause. I first started scrapbooking It was very like grungy and distressed and muted earth tone colors. It's so funny to look through my very first scrapbooks and then the day that I started working at American Crafts as an in-house scrapbooker, it was my job to create samples with their products.

[00:07:20] Jennifer Wilson: Mm-hmm.

[00:07:21] Paige Taylor Evans: They had like 30 colors that they would exclusively use and they were all very bright. And something just clicked that very first day when I started using the rainbow colors. It just, my style just changed from that instant. So, when I start a project, there's just so many ways to go about it, whether it's from a sketch, so I have a piece of paper that has a whole bunch of squares printed on it that I kind of use as just sketch, a sketch pad, so I can just quickly draw an idea and then refer back to that.

[00:07:57] Paige Taylor Evans: Or many times I just look at my past layouts and inspiration comes from there. So I'll see a technique and be like, oh, I wanna try that again. But using a different collection or just like little tweaks like that, just changing one little thing can give you brand new results. So it just, it all just kind of stems from what I'm feeling at the moment, whether I want to start with, say a cut file or I want to feature hand stitching, or it's usually something I want to feature.

[00:08:33] Jennifer Wilson: Mm-hmm

[00:08:35] Paige Taylor Evans: Just giving away all my secrets. No, I'm teasing. But many of my layouts do focus on repetition, so I generally start with that idea and then run with it. Hope that makes sense.

[00:08:48] Jennifer Wilson: No, it totally does. And I noticed, like you mentioned, kind of taking a previous example and then tweaking it. So I think I've seen it where it's, you know, you changing the shape from a circle to a heart or, um, a square and just kind of playing with different shapes and um, with the same concept of repetition and lots of layers of that same shape.

[00:09:08] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes, exactly. Yep. Just change one thing. One thing, and you get awesome results.

[00:09:15] Jennifer Wilson: So if you are planning to use a cut file, and we're actually gonna go a little bit more into that in a few minutes, but are you designing the cut file first and then making the layout from there? Are you kind of put the layout together and realize I wanna create a cut file from this, you know, in terms of like the intersection between creating products as a business owner and creating layouts as a scrapbooker.

[00:09:40] Paige Taylor Evans: So generally with a cut file, I have, I think I have almost 2000, maybe even more now. So I don't, I'm actually at a point where I'm not really designing tons of new ones. I'm I'm just like, you know, using, like, there's no way I could ever use all two, 2000. That would be the ultimate challenge. But usually for a page that features a cut file, I start by backing it and I already have one in mind that I want to feature, especially if it's um, a bundle. So by a bundle, I mean, I have these bundles of cut files available in my shop that usually are themed. So for example, 20 summer cut files or 12 love cut files. So if I'm trying to promote those, then I'll definitely start with those cut files and usually by backing a cut file, I make it quite large so it becomes the focal point.

[00:10:34] Paige Taylor Evans: So then that's taken up most of the page. There's not much more to do except add your photo and then the title and embellishments. So for cut files, start by backing it, and then the rest of the page comes together very quickly and easily.

[00:10:51] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, interesting. Now I'm curious. When, at what point in that process are you selecting like the background paper or cardstock? Is it when when your cut file is all backed, are you auditioning different options? Do you usually have an idea going in?

[00:11:06] Paige Taylor Evans: I love that word, auditioning. Um, I, um, I back the cut file first and then choose the cardstock or pattern paper to match.

[00:11:15] Jennifer Wilson: All right. All right. Very cool. Now what about kind of bigger picture here, you know, you have a lot of things in the works at all times, it seems. Um, how do you keep track of projects that have multiple layouts and, and, and multiple parts to them? Um, whether it's for a class or an event? How are you managing all of that?

[00:11:36] Paige Taylor Evans: I think staying organized is definitely something that I, I love. I love having checklists and crossing things off my list at the end of the day is like almost as satisfying as scrapbooking itself. So I, um, on my computer, I have a lot of tabs open all the time. And specifically I just, I use Google. My dad actually works at Google, so it's.

[00:12:04] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, cool.

[00:12:05] Paige Taylor Evans: Fun to, um, you know, just use what he works on. Um, but I swear by Google Calendar and a document that I've created called Layouts. Which doesn't really encapsulate just layouts, but I have listed everything in chronological order and then like underneath, everything that's due is kind of like my task list of uh, needs to be done.

[00:12:33] Paige Taylor Evans: And then like for my design teams, I also have printed out calendars. So it's a lot. It's definitely I've made, you know, mistakes in the past and have missed things here and there, but usually people are pretty forgiving. But I definitely try and, uh, am I trying to say? Like accomplish my deadlines before they're due because I just don't like to procrastinate because that stresses me out, because I know I always have something on the docket, something that's coming up.

[00:13:04] Paige Taylor Evans: So it is important to me to knock out my assignments and things that are due as quickly as possible. So then I can, um, I guess the ultimate goal is to always have time for, for me, for things that I want to do instead of that I have to do to try and like push sales or push things. It's always fun to just create for me, for pleasure. So.

[00:13:28] Jennifer Wilson: Well, and I think also time for possible interruptions. When you get sick, your kid gets sick, you know, there's, a fun opportunity to go do something for a weekend. And you hadn't had planned for that before.

[00:13:39] Paige Taylor Evans: Yeah, absolutely.

[00:13:40] Paige Taylor Evans: Yeah, just, you know, finishing work during working hours, that's something I struggle with is just like turning it off.

[00:13:47] Jennifer Wilson: Mm-hmm.

[00:13:48] Paige Taylor Evans: So, um, you know, trying to keep my working hours while the kids are at school, leaving the weekends free to spend time with them. Because up until like two months ago, I would teach my virtual classes on Saturdays, and even though that's a great day, people are home. I found that I was missing my kids, like sports events and they're, they're things. So I posed the question in my Facebook group if it would be okay if I taught on Wednesdays instead, which I know isn't ideal because people are working, but the classes are pre or not prerecord, but they're recorded so you can always watch them back. Uh, but yeah, to tie it back, yes, scrapbooking during the days, leaving the weekend's time to travel, to go do things as a family. So it's a fine balance.

[00:14:38] Jennifer Wilson: It is for sure, and I think it's, uh, maybe even illuminating to some of our listeners that we're always kind of juggling, uh, how do we align the things that we do to serve others in the community with our own family preferences and schedules as well as those of those that we're serving. Because it's never gonna be absolutely perfect.

[00:15:00] Paige Taylor Evans: And I also always get asked a lot, like, how do you have time for this?

[00:15:04] Jennifer Wilson: Mm-hmm.

[00:15:05] Paige Taylor Evans: And, um, it, it is my full-time job. So I've been lucky enough to transition from, you know, I've had many jobs I worked at, I've worked at Target, I've worked at PetSmart, I've worked at Archivers when those stores were open. But, you know, over the years I've just been able to transition from working at those jobs to working from home, doing scrapbooking.

[00:15:28] Paige Taylor Evans: So when people ask, how do you have time for that? I mean, it really is my job. So working nine to five, creating, and it's, um, my quote, , I'm just so many things in my head, but, um, My senior quote was, choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. So I've just been so, so lucky and blessed to be able to, like, my very first job was scrapbooking and it's just kind of tied into that with those random jobs on the side, you know, working my way through college and whatnot. But, yeah, I just, I love scrapbooking so much and I would spend every spare second of it and I do, creating.

[00:16:10] Jennifer Wilson: Do you ever have days where you're like, uh, nothing's like coming out right here.

[00:16:15] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes, absolutely all the time. Definitely ebbs and flows. So just, I feel like all artists and creatives go through that. And, um, some of my tips for that are just knowing that it is just a little speed bump. Your creativity will return, so just focus on something else for a few hours, or even a few days, a few weeks. For me, that's kind of just like reading in bed. I'll pick up a good book and read. I'll go for a walk and even set the project aside and start something else and come back to it when I'm feeling the new spark of inspiration.

[00:16:59] Jennifer Wilson: Yeah, I think sometimes you have to have that trust that it will come back. This has usually happened before for all of us, and so we always get through it and find it again.

[00:17:09] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes.

[00:17:11] Jennifer Wilson: So I wanna go a little bit deeper on two of those techniques that you're very much known for. Um, using very intricate cut files and backing them in, in lots of beautiful colors and then hand stitching. And so would you say you do one or both of these on most of your layouts?

[00:17:27] Paige Taylor Evans: You know, I, not, not most of them, but definitely a lot. Like I feature in my scrap room, I have a wall filled with my favorite layouts, and yes, most of those do feature a cut file or a hand stitched page. However, I don't always use a cut file, like the machine can be used to cut multiples of something. And for me, my very favorite product is pattern paper.

[00:17:57] Paige Taylor Evans: So the more pattern papers I can include on a layout, the better. And a really easy way to do that is to have the machine cut out lots of itty bitty pieces, and then use that technique of repetition to create something, whether it's like layered flowers or like triangles placed in a quilt like style.

[00:18:20] Paige Taylor Evans: Or another way to get those little pieces of pattern paper is punches. So I have a whole set of drawers from Ikea that I keep punches. And you know what goes around comes around. So a punch that I've used 10 years ago, like I said, I can just bring out that punch again 10 years later. And even though it's the same, I have a different collection now to have different papers so I can use that punch to create a bunch of little pattern paper pieces to go on a layout. As far as hand stitching, that is the technique that takes the absolute longest. So, you know, sometimes people say you're crazy when I post, uh, a layout with stitching. But I, I say it, it's not crazy, it's passion. You know, it's just, it's my favorite to sit down with a project that needs to be hand stitched.

[00:19:13] Paige Taylor Evans: And those can take upwards of 48 hours. And it's not like I sit down and do that 48 hours in a row. It's broken up into four hours here, three hours there, maybe even just an hour at a time. And then over the course of, two weeks or a month, then that page is finished. And it's just a true work of, labor and love and definitely deserves a spot on my wall. So yes, I use cut files a lot. I use hand stitching a lot. Um, but I also love just featuring other techniques too. So, a lot of the time. Hopefully that answers that question.

[00:19:53] Jennifer Wilson: Oh it does for sure. And I, and I wasn't thinking about just using the Silhouette or any die cut machine, even a manual dye cut machine, just to create lots of repetition of shapes. So that's definitely something that I see you do. And I, I kind of had a sense that you were using some punches here and there. Um, But yeah, just like fun to think about what the tools and the techniques that you're using, which ultimately are very simple, um, to create very intricate designs.

[00:20:23] Paige Taylor Evans: Mm-hmm.

[00:20:24] Jennifer Wilson: Now you mentioned at the very beginning, you know, backing a cut file is kind of your first step when you are doing that. And you have a very helpful video that I will link in the show notes cuz I watched it and it was definitely not how I was doing it

[00:20:37] Jennifer Wilson: Cause I knew there had to be a, you know, an easier, better way. But could you just kind of give a summary of the technique that you share in that, um, to help folks who are wondering how, how do you get that done?

[00:20:48] Paige Taylor Evans: So there's a few different ways to approach backing a cut file. And if it's your first time, I definitely, definitely recommend starting with something a little more simple. Cause cut files can range from, you know, very simple like a pie chart kind of looking design to a very delicate floral with a million little pieces to back.

[00:21:12] Paige Taylor Evans: So start with something simple, let's say has 12 different sections to back. And what I mean by that is like the open spaces in between the cardstock, those are places that you want to cut pattern papers to adhere onto the backside. And then when you flip it over, you get the the ooh and the awe. So that's what backing a cut file means.

[00:21:38] Jennifer Wilson: Kind of creates a stained glass effect, but opaque, is that how you describe it?

[00:21:42] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes.

[00:21:43] Paige Taylor Evans: So as far as backing up the cut file. Uh, you, you, like I said, there's a few different ways. You can do it by hand. So you can trace the intersection with a pencil onto your selected pattern paper, cut it out slightly larger.

[00:22:00] Paige Taylor Evans: That's an important step. If you don't, if you cut it out right on the pencil line. There's nothing for it to glue onto or attach itself onto, onto the back. So make sure you cut it out a little bit bigger, and then you can glue it onto the back. So you can do it by hand or you can get a little techy. And I, it's impossible to explain, I think, in, in, you know, just talking.

[00:22:23] Paige Taylor Evans: But in my tutorial, I show you how to have the Silhouette cut out the backing pieces for you, which is super helpful. Makes it go by a lot quicker and just makes it something tedious, it still takes some time, but by having the machine cut out all the pieces for you, just saves you all of that fussy cutting, which I know is some people's worst enemy.

[00:22:53] Jennifer Wilson: You know, I, um, I guess I'm a convert to fussy cutting. I used to hate it, but the more that I did it and the more that I've learned to appreciate the, I don't know, the things that you can just take a pattern paper and then all of a sudden have dimensional floral embellishments from that. Uh, really kind of, uh, turned me onto it, I guess.

[00:23:12] Paige Taylor Evans: I totally agree. You know, there's just something about using your hands and creating something from nothing, you know? Not from nothing, like you've got the supplies, but just creating something with them, with your hands. I get it. I understand. That's my jam.

[00:23:26] Jennifer Wilson: So I'm curious, do you keep a scrap bin just for those tiny little pieces or are you typically cutting into new collections when you are, um, working with a cut file?

[00:23:38] Paige Taylor Evans: So with a cut file, I usually use one collection, and so when I get a new collection, I have like three of the same papers, so I'll use one for, you do have to initially cut into it at some point to get all of these little pieces of pattern paper. So then I'll save 24 of those papers for cutting into and using for future projects.

[00:24:02] Paige Taylor Evans: So I do, I don't necessarily have like a bin. I do have a Ziploc bag for each collection where I keep the paper scraps.

[00:24:11] Jennifer Wilson: And so you mentioned 24. That's a really specific number. So you kind of have a strategy of, of how much of your products you, you wanna keep on hand for future projects.

[00:24:20] Paige Taylor Evans: Well, there's, there's 24 pattern papers in each collection. So one, one of each paper to use.

[00:24:28] Jennifer Wilson: Okay.

[00:24:29] Paige Taylor Evans: Yeah.

[00:24:31] Jennifer Wilson: Now are there any like tools and techniques you feel like are essential for weeding the cut and handling, particularly delicate cuts? I was that person who made the mistake of cutting a doily the very first time I got out my machine and then proceeded to cry cause I couldn't get it off the backing. Um, so I don't recommend starting there, which you mentioned earlier, definitely start with a simpler design. But when you do start to move to delicate cuts, what, what tools do you make sure you have on hand?

[00:25:00] Paige Taylor Evans: So if you're doing a delicate cut, try and use a mat that's not as sticky. I have both a Silhouette and a Cricut and that's one of the questions I get asked all the time too, is which one I prefer. And my short answer is, the Cricut cuts better, but the Silhouette is easier to use. So have both. And use Craigslist, cuz people are getting rid of those machines all the time for cheap.

[00:25:29] Paige Taylor Evans: So, um, if you're doing something delicate, try to have a mat that's not as sticky. Because a brand new Cricut mat or a brand new Silhouette mat, I even use a light grip Cricut mat, which is still super duper sticky when you first use it. So try to, one that's been used before. Or you can even like press your hands onto it, put cardstock, scrap cardstock onto it a few times.

[00:25:55] Paige Taylor Evans: Peel it on and off a few times just to make it not as sticky. And then you just have to be careful, you know, when you're peeling it off, if you notice it's pulling up in one spot, just be tender and gently lift it off. So you just, it's part of the process of you have to take your time even getting it off the mat and I don't have any special tools to get it off. I do just use my fingers. Uh, I do have a, a spatula that I use for getting all the little bits off the mat though. So scrape it on off.

[00:26:32] Jennifer Wilson: Now you mentioned the Cricut cuts better, so would you choose to use the Cricut if you have a particularly intricate design?

[00:26:39] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes.

[00:26:41] Jennifer Wilson: Ooh. Okay. That is like a very firm answer there.

[00:26:46] Paige Taylor Evans: So I know it's a little tricky because I design cut files for Silhouette. But I'm not like contractually obligated or anything to be, anyway. I, yeah, I definitely, I use my silhouette all the time still, but yeah, for something very intricate, I just feel like the Cricut cuts better. So there you go.

[00:27:09] Jennifer Wilson: I appreciate your, uh, candid feedback there. So when you, kind of transitioning more to stitching here. So are you typically cutting and I'm assuming you're cutting them with the Cricut cuz I've tried to cut holes on the Silhouette and it was a little wonky. Um, or are you using a hand piercing tool, or, or do you maybe use both depending on the situation.

[00:27:32] Paige Taylor Evans: Sure I use, I use both. If I'm doing a stitching cut file, I'll have my machine cut out the holes. One of the questions I get asked is, it, does it cut the holes, like big holes, but it most, it's more like a pattern. So you can still see it from the front side and the back side, but it's just like poking needle holes almost. So you can just see where you're supposed to stitch. And so yeah, my machine cuts the holes for a stitching cut file. If I'm doing embroidery on a layout though, so say I have a pattern paper with a triangles printed on it, then I have to go in manually and poke the holes myself where I want to do the stitching. So that's a great question. I use both. I do both.

[00:28:20] Jennifer Wilson: Now I noticed that you have, uh, 36 cut files for stitching, and this is a newer product, right?

[00:28:25] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes, this is my brand new bundle of cut files everyday in March. So March 1st through 31st. Me, my design teams and a bunch of guest designers from all around the world will be featuring them. This cut file set is a little bit different though. I used to send out a daily email with the cut file, but goodness, like my emails end. up in spam, they end up in the trash. So for this bundle, you purchase it, you get all 36 at once. So then you don't have to download something every day. And I know that kinda takes away like the daily Happy Mail, but I've just had too many issues with that. So you get all 36 at once and then every day in March you'll get inspiration for how to use them.

[00:29:09] Paige Taylor Evans: And all of the sneaks I've seen from people are so exciting. And then I've made three layouts, so I've used three of the cut files and stitched them. And yes, they're some of my favorites because stitching is one of my favorite techniques.

[00:29:25] Jennifer Wilson: Yes. Yes. It looks so fun. Now, I'm curious for, you know, you mentioned it can take 48 hours for a, you know, a really intricate pattern. Are these more like, I don't know, works of art? Are you almost always still including photos and journaling as a traditional scrapbook layout or some of these you're just making beautiful things?

[00:29:47] Paige Taylor Evans: I, I do have six stitched pages without photos and journaling that are framed on my wall. So I've kind of, I've done, I've done that. But the rest of them, I do try to add photos and embellishing. However, the photos are small and the embellishing is very minimum to really let that hand stitching and all that hard work really shine.

[00:30:13] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, yes, yes. Now, are you typically on an item off the page or directly on the layout, or is it really just situational?

[00:30:22] Paige Taylor Evans: I've done both. So what if you're using a cut file, it's gonna poke the holes onto the background, so you're stitching on the layout. But I also like adding stitching onto floral die cuts. So in most of my recent collections, there's a package of floral die cuts and those are just perfect for adding little hand stitches here and there. And then I'll add those onto the layout as an embellishment.

[00:30:45] Jennifer Wilson: Very fun. Now, Paige, I'm curious, is there anything about your scrapbooking process that our listeners might be surprised to hear? I actually think you've already shared a few of these, but is there anything that came to mind when you saw this question?

[00:30:59] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes, I, I'm sure I've divulged this before, but my photos are actually secondary to the process. So I will create about 75% of the layout first. Meaning I'll back the cut file first. I'll do all of the stitching first, and then that's when I pick the photo. Sometimes, rarely, because I do take so many photos and I have 37 years of photos that I've taken. Right. Um, but sometimes if I'm making a layout and I just can't find something, I will enlist the help of my kids and my family to doctor up a photo and just do a little fun mini photo shoot to get the photo that I have in mind that would go well with that layout. So in the end, I'm still documenting our memories and I have scrapbooks full of all of these little moments that in turn become our life story.

[00:31:57] Paige Taylor Evans: So I think that's a pretty untraditional way to scrapbook, which is not using photos first. But for me, that's just how I've, I've always done it. I'm always kind of creating the art first, and then the photos are just the cherry on top.

[00:32:13] Jennifer Wilson: Well, I think you have to follow your passion, your why, that, the meaning behind it. And it sounds like that this, the creative journey here is ultimately just incredibly fulfilling for you.

[00:32:25] Paige Taylor Evans: A hundred percent.

[00:32:27] Jennifer Wilson: So the style of your pages can seem intimidating sometimes because of the level of detail. And we mentioned this earlier that the kind of, the grandeur of it can come from filling the page with a repeated design element. Um, are there any other practical tips you might share for someone who wants to explore scrapbooking like Paige Taylor Evans?

[00:32:47] Paige Taylor Evans: Sure a little, you know, plug for myself right here is I teach classes every month, virtual classes. And my hopes in teaching these classes is to show people that yes, they look incredibly detailed and intricate, but not all layouts take 48 hours to make. You can make these beautiful, colorful, dynamic, whimsical layouts in an hour. Which you know that sometimes that's still too much time for some people. I totally get it. But for me, an hour is pretty quick for layouts. So in my classes, and I try and show you how yeah, to create these beautiful pages and it's not as overwhelming as it looks.

[00:33:31] Jennifer Wilson: Awesome, awesome, awesome. We'll definitely include a link to your shop and the show notes as well. Now let's talk about your book. So it's called Make Your Memory. Can you tell us more about what we can expect from it? What was the inspiration? Um, tell us all about it.

[00:33:48] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes. I'm so excited about this. So it started with, there's an artist named Ettavee so on Instagram it's um, app, E T T A V E E, Ettavee. And she did a book with them, the company is called Better Day Books. And we're friends on Instagram and she reached out to me, she slid into my DMs said, Hey, this, the publisher wants to reach out to you to see if you're interested in a, in a book.

[00:34:17] Paige Taylor Evans: Can I give them your info? And I was like, yes, please. So they reached out to me and we got the concept for this book and deadlines and due dates and everything underway, and I actually finished up the projects last May. So May of 2022 and it's coming out June of 2023. So the process takes a really long time, but I'm very excited.

[00:34:44] Paige Taylor Evans: It includes, I'm forgetting the numbers right now, but I think it's nine or 13. I'm sorry, I can't remember off the top of my head cause it's been so long since I made them. But, um, projects with step-by-step photos, never before seen. So they're all brand new. Exclusive to this book. Layouts, mini albums, and cards and all of them, except for one, use my collection with American Crafts called Splendid, which isn't that old.

[00:35:15] Paige Taylor Evans: So if you get the book and you want to recreate the projects, you should easily be able to find the product still online and in stores. And yeah, I'm just excited about, it. Kind of goes more in depth about my processes, my techniques and it's even got a section about organization and how I think about things, you know, that I need within arms reach or where I store things. Yeah. Yep. That, that's about it. I'm just, I'm super excited.

[00:35:46] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, yes, yes, for sure. Now, you mentioned the timeline from when you finished the projects. Now, what was the timeline before that from when you first received the contact about getting started on this?

[00:35:57] Paige Taylor Evans: Uh, January of 2022 is when we kind of started having our meetings. So, Um, I had, it's funny cuz I had a due date. And I mentioned not, not wanting to procrastinate but just because of timing and I know how long things take me to create. So I set, I set aside two weeks. From, you know, dawn to dusk to create these projects.

[00:36:23] Paige Taylor Evans: But like three weeks before the due date, you know, the publisher was like, Hey, I noticed there aren't any projects in the folder yet. How, how are you doing? And I was like, oh my goodness. I promise I'm gonna get these done. I've set aside this amount of time so you can expect to see projects soon. And I did.

[00:36:39] Paige Taylor Evans: I got them done in that, um, by, by the time they were due, that I just felt bad that it, it seemed like it was last minute. But I really did have all of my time dedicated to making those projects and I'm happy with them. So it's not like they're rushed or anything, it's just, yeah. All, all in good time.

[00:36:58] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, for sure. Now, this is a, just a curiosity, did you do your own photography for the book as well, or did you ship everything to them?

[00:37:06] Paige Taylor Evans: I shipped, I shipped it out so they stylized them. Made him look all cute.

[00:37:12] Jennifer Wilson: Awesome, awesome, awesome. Now, is the book available for pre-order?

[00:37:16] Paige Taylor Evans: Yes, you can get it for pre-order on Amazon and you know, they have like that best rate kind of deal. Or you can pre-order from me and it'll be a signed copy. So I mean, I mean there's pros and cons, right? I, I do charge for shipping and am Amazon doesn't, but it'll be a signed copy from me, so that's one benefit of purchasing, purchasing directly from me, and that is also up on my website right now. The release date is June 28th, so I'm hoping to have my order by then and ship shortly thereafter.

[00:37:53] Jennifer Wilson: So fun. So fun. Congratulations, Paige. I'm really excited for this one. So you also are incredibly generous in sharing all kinds of things with your community, particularly cut files. You mentioned you've created more than 2000 over the years. I, I wanted you to share just a little bit more about all the fun things that happen in your Facebook group over the course of a year.

[00:38:13] Paige Taylor Evans: So my Facebook group is called Happy Scrappy Place. And yep, every week I upload a free cut file, and then throughout the week I just kind of post pictures of things that I've made. And it's a group so other people can post too. So it's where you go for inspiration to see how to use my cut files as well as my collections with American Crafts.

[00:38:39] Paige Taylor Evans: And then I'll also post about my new releases. I'll do giveaways once in a while. And then we have a big International Scrapbook Day. On what that it's the first Saturday in May. And so that's when all throughout the day there's free cut files, challenges, uh, and yeah, it's just a really supportive and fun place to be.

[00:39:01] Paige Taylor Evans: I think we just hit the 25,000 member mark, which is awesome that there's so many scrappy friends near and far who just like, like to scrapbook. So come, come join the fun.

[00:39:16] Jennifer Wilson: Yes. Very cool. Um, I also noticed on, I was browsing A Cherry On Top for pre-orders and your collection is available for pre-order there. Could you wanna tell us a little bit about, uh, the one that's coming out soon?

[00:39:30] Paige Taylor Evans: Mm-hmm. My brand new collection is called Blooming Wild, and it's a nod to Bloom Street, which I feel like was my most popular collection. Cause I did ask people in my Stories and Facebook, I asked, which has been your favorite collection so far? And that was the overwhelming majority, which is awesome because it's got lots of flowers, and flowers are my favorite.

[00:39:50] Paige Taylor Evans: So Blooming Wild is kind of a Bloom Street, part two. It's got, yep, lots of flowers, lots of pastels, mixed with bright colors as well. And it's just perfect for documenting your spring and summer memories.

[00:40:07] Jennifer Wilson: Awesome. Awesome. We'll definitely add that to the links we include. This is gonna be definitely a long list here, so if you don't typically visit the show notes for our episode, you're gonna wanna visit this one. Paige, this has been so delightful. Thank you for spending time with me.

[00:40:22] Paige Taylor Evans: Thank you so much. I always love anything scrapbooking, you know, talking about it, actually doing it, teaching it. So my pleasure.

[00:40:31] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, yes, yes. Can you share where we can find you online and anything else new or you have that's new or you have coming up that we haven't talked about yet?

[00:40:39] Paige Taylor Evans: Where do I begin? You can find me across all the socials, you know Instagram Paige Taylor Evans. My website is Paige Taylor Evans. My Facebook, I do have an artist page, which is Paige Taylor Evans, but I feel like my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook group is kind of just more of a community feel. And then as far as upcoming things, I'm teaching a few in-person events.

[00:41:06] Paige Taylor Evans: Uh, in New Jersey in April, Texas in May. And then next summer I'm a cruise out of the cur, uh, going to the Caribbean. So that's something I'm looking forward to, and you can find all of this, all of my upcoming events and current offerings and releases on the sidebar of my website. So just go to and you'll be able to find everything including links to social media and classes, cut files, inspiration, the works.

[00:41:37] Jennifer Wilson: Awesome. Terrific. Thank you again. And to all of our listeners, please remember that you have permission to Scrapbook Your Way.

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