Project 365 time savers + a giveaway

This is a guest post from Tiffany Perry, owner of Owl Tree Studio, one of this week’s sponsors of Simple Scrapper. It’s January, so along with lots of talk about resolutions comes chatter and excitement about Project 365. Today, let’s discuss a few...

Project 365 simplified

Snapping and scrapping a photo a day can seem like a daunting task, even with the myriad of great kits and templates available. Fortunately, Project 365 can be as simple as you’d like it to be. It’s all about capturing the beautiful details of daily life...

Scrap your life

There is a lot of chatter on the blogs, boards and Twitter about Project 365. Yesterday, I posted that I too would be joining in to snap a photo each day of 2009. So what is all the buzz about? The idea, popular in both the photography and scrapbooking communities,...