This Month at Simple Scrapper

I’m pretty sure that September is my favorite month of the year. I love getting back into routines and seeing glimpses of the fall weather to come. This time of year fills me with an energy of possibility that I wish I could bottle for use in February. Here at...

This Month at Simple Scrapper

After a crazy May, I’m excited to start fresh for a new month and a new season. While June is often a time for scurrying off to new adventures, we’ll be here when you get home and need that moment to yourself. If summer is hectic for you, I find it best...

Simple Scrapper is Different

You have plenty of ideas and supplies for scrapbooking, so what I offer at Simple Scrapper is different.  I help you enjoy your hobby more, tapping into what you already have and satisfying something you’re deeply hungry for: connection. The membership at Simple...