A hodge podge of tips

Scrapbooking Ideas

It’s Friday. Have you purchased any new releases this week? I spotted some great ones and will share those with you on Sunday. In the meantime, I wanted to share a few quick and simple tips to take you into the weekend.

First I wanted to welcome all of my new subscribers and thank IKEA Goddess for sending many of them my way. We’re so thrilled that you’ve joined our little Simple Scrapper community and hope you find every post valuable!

  • Hodge Podge Art is another great open challenge blog. It is run by a team of fantastic designers, whose kits you are probably already buying! The team selects the winner to receive $20 to two stores and two runners up to receive $10 each.  I hadn’t heard much about this little gem, so I wanted to make sure you all knew about it too!
  • The next Carnival of Digital Scrapbooking will be hosted here at Simple Scrapper. This Sunday, not only will you get a taste of the week’s best new releases, but a delightful post of the best tips, tricks and tutorials from around the web. This carnival is not to be missed. It’s not too late to submit your favorite blog post, tutorial, or inspiration so you can be featured too!
  • If you hadn’t noticed, there have been a few small changes around here. First, there are now 5 related items at the end of each new post to help you find more of Simple Scrapper’s super-useful tips. Also, you can browse past posts in a new way by clicking the Archives section from the tabs at the top.
  • Our final simple tip for today is just for you. It is a “psst, we’re listening”. Simple Scrapper wants to know what YOU want to read about. What are you excited about or eager to learn? Treat this post as an open comment forum – share whatever you like so we all can make this blog even better.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.

1 Comment

  1. wendy

    I just found your site and as a newbie in digi-scrapping, I have found that your information and tips have been a life saver for me! Thanks so much for putting this blog together. I love it!!!

    wendy’s last blog post..Kemah & the Remnants of Ike


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