Making my own memories



Last night I was kidnapped. I knew there were secret plans for our first anniversary, but I had no clue that my husband had arranged for two nights at a beautiful B&B in southwestern Indiana or a trip to Holiday World, America’s first theme park.

While I have had access to email via my phone, this is the first time I’ve been able to get on the computer. My darling husband has allowed me just to a smidge of time to let you know about my whereabouts before I am to return to our romantic getaway. Truthfully, I have no complaints! This has been a fantastic weekend and tomorrow it continues with a trip to a cheese festival. We’re making so many memories!

While we did remember to bring our camera, it stayed at the B&B. Unfortunately roller coasters and water slides are not good friends with expensive electronics. So my question for you is: how do you capture moments when the camera didn’t come along? Do you scrap photo-less layouts? Do you just write or blog about the event? Do you use camera phone images on your layouts?

Regular Simple Scrapper content will return Tuesday with the start of Simple Scrapper’s new series: Interviews Made Simple. First up is the talented hybrid designer Kelleigh Ratzlaff. Then, on Wednesday, I’ve got a great guest post from Erin of Texas Chicks Blogs and Pics.

In the meantime, Happy Labor Day!

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  1. Robin

    Happy anniversary!!!

  2. Erin

    Happy Anniversary, Jennifer! Enjoy your trip!

  3. deborah

    oh wow
    what a fantastic surprise!
    congratulations, and happy anniversary!

    ya know, I always grab one of those “fun cameras” the disposable kind you can grab @ any convenience store, for theme park fotos etc (ya prolly still have time to get one lol)

  4. Dawn

    I like those disposable cameras too. And when you can’t take pictures, like when I went to the Titanic Exhibition, I used all the stuff I got while there, my ticket, the program, and one of my favorite things to do now if they have it, is to purchase a picture they have taken. A lot of places are doing more and more of that. When I was at the water park at Six Flags, they are out all day standing in the water taking photos of you if you want. Then at the end of the day I go and check them out and usually get one or 2 of them. They even do them on the roller coasters, which is fun to see once you get off, lol.

    Happy Anniversary!

  5. Stan

    Happy Anniversary! Jenn and I are approaching #20 in Oct.

    I think it’s always to keep the story foremost in any layout or project – and while you own pictures are a way to tell it they are not essential. We’ve used promotional pictures from amusement parks and museums when photography is difficult if not impossible.

    Stan at Scrappers Workshop

  6. Shannon

    Happy Anniversary!

    I’ve discovered that part of the beauty of digital scrapbooking is that if you didn’t take photos of the places you went on your trip, someone else did. I bet the B&B and the theme park have killer photos on their web sites that you could use and flickr offers photos of pretty much everywhere on Earth. Since you are using the photos for your own personal memory keeping and not for commercial use (and no one’s going to know about it) I say borrow with abandon. Another thing you could do would be to e-mail the B&B and the theme park and ask them if they have an electronic press kit they could send you.

    Since you won’t be in the photos, I’d make sure to be very specific about what the photos are of and why that image means something to you, but on second thought, I think that’s always a good idea.

    Oh, and I want to hear all about the cheese festival!

    • Jennifer

      Great ideas! We ended up taking one photo in front of the B&B, but I had wet hair. I also took one of just the house.

      The cheese festival was a let-down. It was pretty small for a festival and none of the vendors had anything cheese-related. I was hoping for at least fried cheese curds. More importantly, the free cheese was all gone when we got there. I did buy some White Cheddar Apricot Ginger, but the kids were are looking forward to free cheese.

  7. christie

    Congrats on your anniversary – how sweet of your hubby!
    I have a waterproof case for my camera so water doesn’t stop me, and roller coasters I wouldn’t worry about. I have a wrist strap 😀 Basically I take my camera everywhere and I don’t worry about it getting ruined. It’s replace-able and my memories/photos aren’t!
    However there are times when no photos turn out from an event, and in that case I use brochures, ticket stubs, post cards, etc. In Turkey there were some museums that did not allow cameras inside, and in Greece there were many buildings that allowed you to take photos inside but only without flash – and therefore they didn’t turn out very well. I either use the bad photos and journal about why they are bad, or I use post cards, images from online, etc and journal my story.


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