What kind of scrapper are you?

by | Scrapbooking Ideas | 19 comments

Sometimes I like to take the pulse of the readership here at Simple Scrapper, as you all grow in numbers and individually. Tell me about yourself as a memory keeper today, right down there in the comments. I want to know everything, but let’s start with a poll to get you talking!

[poll id=”16″]

Photo by A Forest Frolic

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  1. Jenn

    I’m a lazy, sloppy, unorganized scrapper. I don’t work chronologically, or any kind of logically. I scrap when I have time, when I have a need for a page to share or for a tutorial I’m writing, when I see a product or technique I want to play with, or when I see a layout I want to try to scraplift. I’m terrible at journaling, partly because I just don’t slow down enough to create thoughtful writing. I don’t miss paper scrapping like I thought I would, I still like looking at the pretty things but the idea of getting out stuff, cutting with scissors and using glue just gives me the heebie-jeebies. Much easier to click on the PS icon and get going!

  2. Jude

    I’m pretty much entirely digi, but I’m planning a hybrid 12 x 12 album and maybe a mini-album.

    I scrap in a variety of different styles, depending on whether I want to showcase the photos or the story.

    I’ve always been a bit of an ‘events’ scrapper, but I’m moving more towards including ‘deeper’ journalling on my pages as I’ve always had a tendency to stop at who, what, where.

  3. Sharyn

    I used to be only paper, then discovered digi and went totally digi for about 5 years. In the last 18 months it has developed into a bit of both. Funny thing is the only layouts I have in albums are my paper ones. So now my focus is to use digital and paper to get more of my stuff off the computer and out where we can enjoy them.

  4. Amy

    I used to be a paper scrapper and sometimes I do crafts with my paper still but as for scrapping I’ve gone digital and have never looked back! The main thing that keeps me from more hybrid stuff is the lack of a good printer and the lack of desire to spend the money to purchase one.

    Because I’m totally digital, I am working hard to scrap chronologically so I can print a book. I would really rather scrap in any old order, according to what pictures or kits are exciting to me at the moment. But because it costs me much less per page to print a book of 100 pages rather than print each page individually–I’m opting to go chronologically. However, for any CT positions, where I need to use a certain kit, I allow myself to scrap any photos!

    I’m not at all confident about design so I am a chronic scraplifter. I try to balance the design I chose with what I want to focus on–the photos or the journaling. I keep a personal blog as sort of a journal and so I frequently cut and paste things I’ve written there to my pages. It’s such a useful tool when I’m scrapping photos from 2 years ago and don’t exactly remember the details of why the photos were important to me then!

    • Jenn

      Amy, that’s a great idea about keeping a personal blog as a journaling help. I need to do that! I think I’ll put together a family blog and let the kids post stuff on it too, that way I can get their point of view sometimes!
      Thanks for the great inspiration!

  5. Julie (aka MaggieMae)

    I was a paper scrapper for a long time before I discovered all digital by trying a program called Scrapbook Max! I was hooked on all digital in less than a week. I had been journaling and titles, etc. on the computer, but after this I haven’t done any paper scrapping at all! I was a simple scrapper liking to emphasize the picture and the story – I always kept embies to a minimum. Lately, I’ve tried to get more and more artistic with blending and clusters, etc., and am not enjoying scrapping as much. It may be time to go back to telling a story for generations to come.

  6. ari macias

    i consider myself a get it done scrapper with a twist. i love templates and am not afraid to use them.after sooooooo many years of racking my brain to come uo with ideas, it is the BEST THING EVER to have someone do it for me. and all i have to do is plug my creative insight to it.
    yup. works for the forty-one year old version of me.

  7. Lisa

    I voted hybrid because I do an equal number of paper & digi pages. I do some hybrid, but not every page incorporates both. I work across the spectrum, & there wasn’t a good choice for that on the poll.

  8. Robin

    I’m a digi-scrapper. I started in 2001 when got my first digital camera. (I had done some paper scrapping before that.) I never knew there was a whole industry out there doing what I was doing until 2 years ago. I found Creative Memories Story Book Creator software then and though I’ve tried Photoshop Elememts I’m not planning to switch.

    I scrap chronologically in 12×12 pages, one album per year. I’m mostly an event scrapper just keeping track of my family.

    I’m starting to use template more and more. I like to do each page from a single kit and usually keep it simple.

  9. Ang

    I chose “All digital w/ maybe an embellishment” but the truth is I am 100% digital. I started paper scrapping (100% paper) about 10 years ago but when I switched over I went all in. It’s not that I don’t want to try hybrid… I just haven’t. My craft room has been in such a state of chaos for over a year now that I wouldn’t know how to even start hybrid, if I was motivated to start. Cleaning that space is on my summer to-do list. I better get going! LOL

  10. Ami

    I was surprised to see so many only digital scrappers. I have recently started being more hybrid as I miss working with paper. The best of both worlds is in hybrid.

  11. Melissa

    I’m a digital semi chronological scrapper πŸ™‚ I also do some paper scrapping – about 1 page per year! lol Lots of paper card making though!

  12. Maryanne @ Scrappy Gifts

    I voted for the 2nd one. I like to be more hands-on. My brain can move things around in 3-D and better with it in my hands. I have dabbled in digital especially to do quick pages or pages from when I was little or just about me.
    Plus I’m on the computer enough as it is and being a mom; it’s hard to scrapbook during the day on the computer when you’ toddler son wants the mouse or to type. I like to let him play with some of my scrapbook supplies while I scrapbook. I’m current on his scrapbook, just not our family yearly ones =D

  13. Laura

    I voted “frequent and regular hybrid pages.” I started all digi, but in recent months have been really sucked into paper after dabbling in hybrid mini albums during the past year. This month I did my first all paper/traditionally scrapped pages. I may be the only scrapper moving from digi to traditional (though I don’t expect to give up digi altogether).

    • Jennifer

      You’re not alone Laura — your ‘journey’ for lack of a less hokey word – is similar to mine. I started all digi in 2008, but recently have wanted to play with mini albums. I’m enjoying being able to work with products for fun special things and may even try a paper page. Like you, I don’t expect to transition away from digital at all, just bring more hybrid into the mix!

  14. mskinsey

    I was into paper scrapping in a big way for many years, but I never seemed to get a lot of more formal types of layouts done. I agree with Jenn in that cutting and pasting gave me the heebie-jeebies, except my problem was two parts being all thumbs and at least three parts being scared to death of ruining all those precious, costly supplies.

    Then, about 2 yrs ago, I stumbled across a designer contest online and became interested in digital scrapping. Believe it or not, I created my first LO using PowerPoint during a speed scrap (it was the only program available to me at the time), and now someone has come out with a book on it. Since then, I’ve become hooked on learning everything it’s possible to do in the Adobe Photoshop CS series.

    I picked #5, though, because I’ve got tons of scrapbooking supplies that I feel compelled to use up and also because every now and then I find it soothing to cut and paste. Also, I don’t have a scanner, and the expensive HP9800 printer I bought a few years ago is giving me fits, so for a lot of things I am still using the “old” way. For example, all those postcards and brochures and other ephemera have to go somewhere, so paper albums seem to be the solution.

  15. holly

    I am mainly a paper scrapper, but started dabbling in digital a year or two ago. I have PSE7 and love it. I use it for photo organization and editing. I use online resources to learn more about the editing possibilities. I do create digital scrapbook pages and have them printed to include in my albums, along side my paper layouts. I enjoy both paper and digital and can’t imagine my future going 100% either way. I think I will continue to utilitize both. I love the touchy/feely side of paper crafting, but love being able to create a digital page curled up on the sofa πŸ™‚
    My biggest digital concern right now is organization of digital supplies. I have a good organizational system for my photos, but not sure how to handle all of those digital supplies!!!

  16. Elisabeth Bucci

    I am a tortured scrapbooker, racked by guilt. Which is wrong but there it is.
    Scrapbooking used to be fun, but somewhere along the way, I lost my mojo in all of the possibilities: both paper and digital. I recently declared scrapbook bankruptcy and simply gave up. I now do a page only if and when I felt like it, and in whatever form that moves me.
    I like paper because I collect a lot of ephemera that has meaning to me (and it is not the same when it is scanned). I like digital because of the ease with which I can get photos lined up on a layout without cutting and pasting. And, as much as I love my digi supplies, my colour printer can never get the paper to look as good as the paper in the store. So, I do dabble in hybrid.
    But here’s a thought: is my Facebook / Flickr /Picasa album a scrapbook? (Answer: it is.) I have decided that for event scrapping (like when I take 1000 pictures in a week on vacation), this is a great way to showcase my pictures quickly. Then I can focus on a layout for a special story.
    I’m still tortured though…



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