Savoring simplicity this holiday season

by | Announcements | 5 comments

Over the past few weeks, we’ve offered our best ideas for capturing your stories this season, including a free holiday workbook. Like you, this time of year combines warmth in our hearts with a bit of stress in our heads. With all there is to do and celebrate, the Simple Scrapper blog will be on a holiday sanity break from today through December 31.

We’ll be spending time with family, taking naps by the (DVD) fireplace, scrapping like crazy and planning lots of great things for Simple Scrapper in 2011. Lest you miss us too much, we won’t be hibernating completely. For the rest of December, you’ll still be able to find us on Twitter and Facebook, sharing our stories and ideas with you! Plus, you can always check out the archive of our 700+ posts if you need a touch of inspiration.

Sneak Peek of 2011

We’re so excited to be keep scrapping with you in the new year, after this brief spot of rest and rejuvenation. Already there are many things lined up to help busy scrapbookers find their mojo.

  1. New releases all in one place for easy shopping reference
  2. Celebrate Monday returns with an all-new way to document life
  3. The launch of Simple Pages / Simple Projects, an easy way to focus your scrapbooking on what matters most.

Warm wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy holiday season. Before you go, please visit the site and leave a comment telling us what you loved most about 2010.

Photo by Sir Lyric

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Candi1973 in Colorado


    I am not sure if you mean what did I love overall in 2010, or what did I love about Simple Scrapper in 2010….so I’ll tell you both.

    I loved the 10×12 scrappin templates and methodology. Helps keep things simple and in perspective! πŸ™‚

    In my own life, I love that I finally found a great job that I am sooooooo happy to go to each day after being unemployed for TWO YEARS! I think 2011 is going to be fabulous!

    Thanks for all you do, Simple Scrapper! Without having your site and your ability to share the “simple” ways of doing things, I’d be a mess! LOL!

    • Jennifer

      I meant anything at all in 2010. What made your heart sing this year! =)

  2. Ami

    I think that the links to so much of what was happening in the scrapping world had to be my favorites for 2010. I felt so connected by the articles. It was as if you were sending us a great magazine with only the important articles each week. Thank you, I am very much looking forward to what you offer to us in the New Year.

  3. Denise

    Learning how to run at the age of 44…after never having been athletic! Finishing 3 one-mile races and still training for a 5K πŸ™‚

  4. Melissa

    2010 – well I guess having our new home under construction is the highlight!

    I’m glad Celebrate Monday will be back! I loved that one!


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