Giveaway: Take Twelve Inspiration Kit

by | Sponsors & Giveaways | 99 comments

Yesterday something really excited was announced. I’ve been invited to be a Friend of Ella Publishing for 2012! I’ve been a longtime fan and supporter of this outstanding producer of eBooks for memory keepers. Angie, Wendy and the entire Ella team are real class acts and I’m looking forward to working with them this year.


Last month I wrote a blog post about where we, as a community, are going with ‘everyday scrapbooking’; it generated a lot of discussion. As I stated then, I am 110% supportive of documenting the little things in our daily lives, of elevating the routine and the mundane to special and worthy. I do think celebrating the everyday is important and Ella’s Take Twelve Project is an excellent and very simple take on the concept. It is something I can totally get behind and encourage you to join in as well!

On the 12th day of each month we’ll unite with a common purpose and singular intention to capture our day. This challenge invites you to take just one day of the month to see how the small moments add up to so much more. Ella has put together a lovely inspiration kit to make this super easy for you. Full of photo prompts, list printables, templates and lots of ideas, the Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit has everything you need to participate in the challenge.

And today, I have one Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit to give away.

How to Enter

  • Leave a comment on this blog post by 5pm central time on January 11.
  • To be eligible, your comment must respond to the following prompt:

What month of the year do you most look forward to for memory-making and memory-keeping?

The goal of the 2012 Take Twelve Project is to take 12 photos on the 12th day of each month for a full 12 monthsβ€”and scrapbook them! You can join in the fun any month of the year, but we hope you’ll join in starting January 12. Get the scoop at

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Dale Anne Potter

    What an AWESOME giveaway!
    Thanksgiving (which is October for us here in Canada) is always the time I do alot of memory keeping – usually because more of the family gets together than any other holiday.

  2. sue

    May is Mothers Day (down under), it’s the one day the kids will always join in a group photo and smile nicely, even if it takes “one more … just one more” photo.
    This give-away is a great incentive to scrap and not get overwhelmed by trying to achieve something daily or even weekly.
    Sue : )

  3. Maca

    What a fantastic giveaway! For me this is the month of December when we celebrate Christmas and New Year. Then meet me at home the whole family complete 35 people and is the most beautiful time of year. And we always have beautiful memories of those days.

  4. Lyn

    Love this idea! January is my favorite memory keeping month. Life slows down and I love to enjoy the simpler things.

  5. DoggiNo

    For me it’s December ! There is always so much going on and I just love Christmas.

  6. Katie

    I love July, both of my kids are born then & so is my husband & mom. There’s also all the summer fun like trips to the lake & family holidays. It’s one of the busiest months but also one of the best.

  7. Sarah

    August is my month for keeping memories of my birthday, my mum’s birthday and those long, wonderful summer nights. Such a fabulous time of year for amazing sunsets, late nights in the garden, and long walks through our beautiful countryside.

  8. Anne

    It is a lame answer, but they are all the same to me. I do not think one month is better or worse than any other.

  9. JeanD

    I like January because it’s holiday time and oureldest comes back from the other side of the world. After he goes back I’m still on holidays and have more time than usual to do some scrapping.

  10. Gwen

    I like January/February for memory ‘keeping’-working on my scrapbooks. When I am holed up all cozy inside. For ‘making’ memories I would say I like fall, September. Starting school, beautiful leaves. Hope I win. A great giveaway.

  11. Karyn A.

    What month of the year do you most look forward to for memory-making and memory-keeping?
    I love the months of summer – I’m in education so theoretically I have more time – right? – and because of that I really love my memories of summer whether it be my garden or road trips across America – there have been many memories.

  12. Colleen Legree

    I like Summer the best for memory making. Kids playing, nature in bloom, etc. Any month is good for memory keeping. There are always thinks to learn and layouts to create.

  13. Rhadonda

    I would say June because my whole family is home from college and we take vacation time together (but December runs a close 2nd)!

  14. Alison

    Great giveaway! For me i love most months – we live in a four season place so things are always changing. My favourite month is September though; new beginnings with school, changing weather, fall colours starting, my birthday and more.

  15. Karen Smith

    August is always the best to scrapbook my family – ALL 11 of us go on vacation together and my Granddaughter celebrates her birthday. What could be better?

  16. Karen Moore

    I LOVE February because I get to pull out all my heart stamps, red and pink goodies and don’t have to “think” about what I want to do, I just go to town! Would love to win the Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit!!!

  17. Janet West

    For me it is April. That is our wedding anniversary month, also spring flowers are blooming so it is a beautiful time of the year.I really like your idea. I will try and use your idea. I need to get out more and take pictures.

  18. Peggy M

    I would have to say for me it’s either December or January – it depends on which is the snowiest! I love to take outdoor pictures of winter. Even on some of the brightest days, you can see the blues of the snow.

  19. Rebekah

    I love the winter months, mostly January!

  20. Keianna Price

    Congrats to you and thanks for a chance to win. Well based on my layout production last year, I have to vote for February. Our first child was born on Valentine’s Day and for her first birthday celebration I probably ended up with ten layouts πŸ™‚

  21. Mel H

    This is awesome. For me, it is probably January…that’s birthday month in our family!

  22. Julie LaPoint

    I look forward to scrapping the month of June (2nd would be December) because that’s when we celebrate weddings, graduations, summer vacations beginning, anniversaries, and last (but not least!) my birthday! LOL

  23. Gina Torres

    Thanks for the chance to win! The month of the year that I look forward to for memory keeping is December. It’s always a magical time of year!

  24. Mikell Robinson

    My favorite times of the year to scrap are Thanksgiving and Christmas because that is when our family can all be together for a few days. Thank you for the chance to win such a nice gift.

  25. Adriana M Q Weingart

    That is a wonderful idea…
    About my favorite period to keep the memories is all year-long, but since I need to pick on, I choose February… What is so special in this month? My son’s birthday… It is a special time in the year, because it was when he arrived in my life…

  26. Stacia

    I have to say Christmas, like many others. The whole Christmas season, actually. There’s always so much going on, so many fun, colorful activities, often we have extra family visiting, traditions we do every year (great for then-and-now pages), and last but not least, tons of great scrapbooking projects (Dec Daily and more!) and specials/giveaways for inspiration and adding to my stash. πŸ™‚

  27. bdaiss

    Hands down, October since it features my daughter’s birthday (22nd), my son’s birthday (11th), my husband’s birthday (13th), AND our anniversary (12th)! And this year especially since we’re planning a trip to Paris! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  28. Rebecca

    The month I have the most memories captured for is November–Thanksgiving is the only time my entire family is together (we are scattered coast to coast) and I start planning out Thanksgiving activities in January so it’s all perfect for when we are together.

    Good Luck with your new “appointment” with the Ella team!

  29. Alexandra

    I always start to get reminiscent in November. Upcoming holidays and being thoughtful with gifts and cards always brings out the memory maker in me!

  30. Melinda T

    My favorite season to scrapbook is summer! The days are long, no school=fun activities and adventures, time shared with family and friends and beautiful weather! And a bit more time for me to scrap, summers are slower months for me at work! πŸ˜€

  31. Melinda Wilson

    My month to look forward to is May. We have several birthdays that month, mother’s day and it’s the end of school!

  32. Bernice J

    The month that is my favourite in terms of memory keeping in the form of photos is the July, when my college aged children are around to have photos taken of them. But I am interpreting the question to mean what month do I do most of my memory keeping in the form of scrapbooking and that is January…I have two weeks off, Christmas is over and I get a lot of scrapping done!

  33. BeckyR

    Great prize!

    This year I’m looking forward to May—our 25th Anniversary! We are planning a special trip to celebrate. πŸ˜€

  34. jennybean

    congratulations on working with Ella Publishing!!! The biggest month for memory making this year is going to be September.. back to school, birthdays, fall activities.. it’s a very busy month!

  35. Bev

    What month of the year do you most look forward to for memory-making and memory-keeping? – January – beginning of a new year especially getting back on track with memory keeping

  36. Marilyn

    January!! Seems I get everything in order, a list started of books I want to finish, supplies I need and it makes me feel I can accomplish alot!

  37. Tobey Fierst

    I look forward to March to do my most memorable work because by then the holidays are over and I have recovered from all the festivities.

  38. Angela Shetzer

    July is my favorite – Beach, sun & outdoors – What could be better??? What a great challenge – Thank you so much for spreading the word about it!!

  39. Charline

    December… Christmas is such a wonderful time with my amazed kids, white beautiful snow and Chrismas decorations… it just over but i can’t wait for next year excitement!

  40. Melanie Ritchie

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    December is my busy memory keeping month. I’m always eager to record all the current happenings and to reflect on the past years and what the season means to me.

  41. Jane T

    For me, June is the best month. Grandchildren and great granddaughters come to swim and play and it isn’t so hot you melt.

  42. ava-j

    I look forward to whenever I have the time to scrap! We travel a lot and spend quality time with family and friends all the time, so I always have something to scrap! Thanks for this give-away. πŸ™‚

  43. Jan

    October – the fall colors, the Halloween costumes, the pumpkins, and the beautiful sunsets all make for such great photos.

  44. Jenn Shock

    I think September is since all our summer activities have come to an end and I have a lot to journal about.

  45. Jean Marmo

    This year I am looking forward to scrapping May. My daughter will be getting her Ph D!!! It is going to be so exciting! I do hope I can get some wonderful photos of the actual event.

  46. maryeileen

    December—all the decorations,presents,everyone dresses up more My family doesn’t seem to mind getting their pictures taken so much at this time of the year

  47. Sandy Lewis

    Ooh – that’s tough. At first I thought it was spring – for all of the flowers, but I think December wins – it has my birthday, my son’s birthday, my brother’s and my sister’s birthday and Christmas. I just can’t beat that in any other month. Good luck to everyone!

  48. robin

    September because I will have a new grandchild this year in September!

  49. Melissa S

    The month of December is my favorite month for keeping memories. I love the season, the tree, the decorations and the special family traditions that we try to keep each year. Since much of it is the same or similar, it is the one constant in my scrapbooking.

  50. Kim Jones

    I most look forward to July. Time spent outdoors and on the boat with the kiddos.

  51. Linda B in MI

    My favorite month for scrapbook pictures is the summer months

  52. Lisa Moline

    What a great giveaway!
    My favorite time of the year to making and keeping memories would have to be October. I love the slightly cooler weather and all the wonderful colors of autumn. I can’t get enough of the fall scenery and the splendid aray of color.

  53. rebecca.k

    Spring and Fall are a tie for me. I love the bright Spring colors, but also the cooler weather colors of Fall.

  54. Susan Roch

    I think December is the month for the most memory making since family visits for the holidays and the grown kids come home for a week or two. But December is my worst month for memory keeping since I am way too busy to actually do any scrapping! It takes me until February to get back into the crafting mode – which is just perfect for those cold winter days. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  55. becky

    The month varies from year to year, but is in the summer/fall when I am either adding new perennials to the gardens or everything is blooming. If I were to narrow it down further, it would probably be June, August or October.

  56. JulieBee in Iowa

    I would say April is my favorite month to both take photos and scrapbook. We have a couple birthdays, spring is well under way, grass is growing, most of the time there’s Easter, and I’m rejuvenated by the new greenery. May is the second best month because of the lilacs and Mother’s Day. I would so enjoy winning your giveaway. Thank you for the chance!

  57. kris

    without a doubt, october. birthdays, anniversaries, fall and Halloween!! love to document it all!

  58. Sue White

    I would have to say the winter months ( which is more than one month) but I have a grandson that plays on the varsity basketball team and another on the JV wreslting team and I love taking pictures of them!!!!!!!

  59. Cherylle Waters

    I would have to say NovDecember, a new month. Actually, it runs from Thanksgiving to Christmas. For some reason, I tend to take more pictures of the food I prepare, the decorations, the paper and presents and the winter weather. Totally, my most favorite time of the year. This is a great incentive!! Thanks for the chance and best of luck to all.

  60. Kelly Sroka

    Great giveaway! I really look forward to the summer months–especially July–for taking pictures and scrapbooking. I also love the entire month of December when I get to take pictures of all of our family’s holiday activities.

  61. Barb

    I like September and October after the summer is over & the leaves are changing. And since my grandson has a birthday in October, it is always so much fun to prepare for keeping memories in so many ways. Good luck to everyone but hope I win the giveaway.

  62. Gail Bassett

    I look forward to scrapping in January. Things have slowed down then and I have lots of pictures from the holidays to use.

  63. Sammie

    I look forward to the summer months because there are a lot more scrapbook-worthy activities for our family like going to the lake, working on the farm, the local fair, etc.

  64. Rosanne

    April and the autumn months. Love the flowers and foliage of the seasons. Good color inspiration.

  65. Luisa

    June! It’s the month with most celebration in our family:
    – My sister Alma BD.
    – My friend Lala BD.
    – My father in law BD
    – My BD.
    – Mi niece Marsha BD
    – Fathers Day
    – My daugghter Jaz BD.
    – School Events (End of School and Graduations)
    Am always excited about June, because is the best month of the year….
    Thanks for the chance to win…

  66. Leanne

    The month I love most here in WA, Australia is March/Autumn. It is not so hot and I can sit on the beach watching surf folk riding their wave riders through the ocean swells. Magical …..

  67. Melissa Rhodes

    I try every month to get it done but I would have to say I get the most done in the summer because I have older kids at home that can entertain the younger ones! so July prob!

  68. Christelle Lamontagne

    December! I love Christmas. All the summer months are great, too.

  69. Liza Dunbar

    I absolutely love DECEMBER. First we frantically try to tie up the last loose ends of the year at work and at home… then the holiday season is on us, with lots of fun, sand and sun in South Africa. Around Christmas we hunt for meaningful presents for friends and family to say thank you for a year of friendship and blessings. Then it is Christmas! Our family spend time together just being happy, celebrate Christ’s birth, we remember to appreciate each other and think of others not so blessed, and EAT A LOT. We have a family tradition of taking a family photo every Christmas eve, and another of inviting at least one or more less priviledged/lonely person to join us in this celebration. Then we wind down the year by preparing for the next… making resolutions, trying to improve ourselves, setting goals and looking forward with expectation to midnight of 31 December. All in all a time of joy, happiness and blessings.

  70. Liz Smythe

    January is the month for me because I get so much more scrapbooking done when I feel motivated and enthusiastic about the new year. After all the christmas and new year festivities it is a time for reflecting and setting scrapbooking goals for the coming year.

  71. Beth@Weavings

    I would have to say December and then whatever month we take a vacation in.

  72. Dawn Cheshire

    May is a special month for me! This year we’ll be celebrating 2 years of marriage, and our son’s 3rd and 1st birthday’s all in one week! I can’t wait!

  73. Lyndel

    I love November because we start to go camping again as the weather gets warmer here so there are lots of photos to play with. I always try to take some beachy shots that I can use for our Christmas cards during one of our November weekends.

  74. jill conyers

    Definitely December! Celebrating both of my kids’ birthdays, family, family and more family throughout the month and Christmas. I love capturing the energy, excitement and joy of the month.

  75. Pep K

    December. Grand children and nieces school concerts etc. We have 5 Birthdays, inc both myself and my husband. Our Anniversary and the extended family comes over Christmas eve.
    A happy, wonderful busy month!

  76. Kate aka stinkydudette

    January is my favorite month, cos it signifies the start of a new beginning – starting afresh!

  77. Lynn I.

    My favorite month for making memories is December. Winter, the snow (usually), two of my children have birthdays, and the obvious Christmas activities (pageants, concerts, caroling, presents, family gatherings, etc.). My favorite month for documenting the memories made is February. February is normally slower paced, not so much going on, so I can really get into my documenting. Thank you for the chance to win such a fab prize.

  78. Jill Pechauer

    I look forward to the month of December for the most pictures of my grandkids at Christmas. I love to watch each one unwrap a package and see their faces.

  79. Lisa Sessions

    It would have to be the months that I go to see my grandsons for their birthdays, end of April/May, end of October /November & September, they live in different states and I live in Florida so I get to spend Halloween with them since one birthday is November 1st and I get to see the fall colors usually because they live in Tennessee, that is the one thing I miss living in Florida, the fall weather and the leaves changing.

  80. Kris Finnerty

    I love July–beach photos/vacation photos/july 4th red, white and blue and baseball photos of my kids playing summer ball.

  81. Janice

    I don’t have a favorite month but I imagine the summer months would cover it. It’s my daughter’s birthday, I have traveled then, we volunteer, plenty of outdoor activities.

  82. diane

    I love to scrapbook photographs from December. It is my favorite month of the year becaue there are many opportunities to capture the moment with a photo memory and then create a scrapbook page.

  83. Keely

    I’d say April. I love the spring, great weather and the wildflowers bloom. It’s my anniversary month too.

  84. Bekki (bekfek)

    It’s totally the summer months for me! I love everything green and sunny and in bloom. We get those outside shots that we can’t get during the other times of the year. Also, and this will seem a little schizophrenic, I love Fall kits, so I’m motivated to make memories in the Fall (i.e., take lots of photos) to have something to use for those awesome Fall kits LOL!

  85. RHH

    That’s hard. But I think April. We have birthdays, anniversaries, spring flowers and often Easter! I am taking TWELVE with Stacy Julian, and think this would be a natural addition to the class.
    Thanks for the chance!

  86. Kim A

    For me it’s December! I just love the sights and sounds of the holidays and family gatherings

  87. Helen

    I love to document Christmas and Summer!

  88. tascha

    What a great giveaway. My favourite month is june and december. My daughter was born in june and she will turn two this year. And deember is my favourite time of the year because of the holidays, the christmas spirit and the family time.

  89. Amie

    That is a hard question I love november because it is my birthday and my sons as well as Thanksgiving but I also love all of the fun Holiday things we do in December

  90. anita

    I take the most pictures in November. There are birthdays, Thanksgiving and the winter holidays to come. Actually the three months of October, Novemeber & December are the busiest for my SD cards.

  91. Nancy B

    That’s a tough one! I’m torn between August (back to school and my son’s bday), November (Thanksgiving with extended family) or December (my bday, Christmas and New Year’s). I guess I would have to pick November. I get very excited and filled with anticipation when I know we are having a big family get together. It’s always so fun.

  92. Julie

    If I had to pick one month this year it would July….we’ll be going to Myrtle Beach with friends for a week and then on to Disney for a couple days! Looking forward to many, many pictures and memories!

  93. Kim

    The month I most look forward to for memory making is December. We do more together in December. Everything is prettier in December. There is a lot of “new” in December. And, most importantly, school break makes my often grumpy teenagers SMILE more in December!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  94. Jenifer

    I would say December because we have a lot going on but it is also so peaceful with school break. Ahhhh I wish it was still December πŸ™‚

  95. Pidgen

    I love July! I love the summer months for scraping layouts! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win.

  96. Erica

    I love Fall, mostly September. It’s back to school time, the leaves are changing, and pumpkin patches. The textures and colors of fall are so rich.


  97. Donna

    March for sure. We tend to go to Florida at that time and it always gives me a camera full of pictures. Thanks for the chance.

  98. Nathalie

    I so would like to win this kit!!! I am totally planning on taking 12 photos tomorrow – my favorite month to scrap is July or August – the busy summer months πŸ™‚

  99. Kate

    I think October is my favorite month for taking photos. I just love the fall activities and colors!


  1. Take Twelve | Winner - CaptureYour365 | CaptureYour365 - [...] Jennifer Wilson – Closes today at 5CST [...]


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