Coming Soon: A New Idea Book


I‘ve been working on something super secret for a few months now. I was too nervous to even hint much, because it’s going to be that good!

This May, you will have one more resource to make scrapbooking easier and more fun. Thirty three of your favorite memory keepers have contributed to my new idea book: Everyday Storyteller.

We’re moving full steam ahead behind the scenes to prepare for an International Scrapbooking Day launch. This week the pre-party begins as we announce the roster of contributors on Thursday!

How YOU Can Participate in the Pre-Party

1. Watch the #everystory hashtag on Twitter. We’ll be sharing stories of why we scrapbook, talking about great practical scrapbooking ideas and announcing all the fun details of this special project.

2. Stay tuned to Simple Scrapper for the contributor announcement this Thursday, followed by sneak peeks of our contributor’s ideas for practical memory keeping through April 5.

3. Leave on a comment on this post telling me how you got started scrapbooking.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. missy k

    I just got started scrapbooking. I want to learn more.

  2. Nicole

    My fellow teachers that I worked with created a scrapbook for my first child that I could just put photos in. As my first child’s 1st year went by I added to the scrapbook with photos and other embellishments and became addicted. I have been scrapping ever since.

  3. elissa Masson

    My parents passed away when I was in my early 20’s. I inherited a ton of pictures of folks and I didn’t have any idea of who they were. I was worried that my nieces would inherit the same mess when I died. I discovered scrapbooking about 10 years later. I was delighted at the prospect of being able to display my photo’s and tell my stories. I made a heritage album sharing my memories of parents and relatives my nieces and now my children would never meet. It was a great way of preserving both my memories and our Family History. It’s been 8 years now and I am hooked. Scrapping my families memories is my favourite way of having a little me time. I have made some great friends through scrapping as well!

  4. Kim S.

    I got started be fore the birth of my first son and it’s been on and off again for 16 years now. I’m starting to have more “me” time now that my boys are growing up, so I’m diving back in. I’ve always kept up with blogs and new supplies and magazines, etc. Now I’m putting all that to use!

  5. Karen G

    Back in 2000 when I had a 1 and 4 year old, I decided to make a small ABC book for the boys. I had not head of “scrapbooking” and had no intentions of doing anything else. The book was on construction paper and it was of photos and stickers. The boys loved it. I loved their reactions to it and I was hooked. I found “scrapbooking” and have loved the ability to tell and capture my stories in a creative way.
    Karen G

  6. Nicole L

    I started scrapbooking at 16 when I started dating my now husband. I wanted to create a memory book for him of our “dating” experiences. Little did I know I would later be doing “our kids” scrapbooks.

  7. Jenny Reid

    Late in 2000, I attended a MindPower Seminar, where I met Caro Walker a scrapbooking consultant in Durban and loved the idea of recording photos and memories this way. My daughters 21st album was the first project and the rest is history, I now have 21.5 years of personal stash & tools that I have collected and not done as much memory keeping as I should have!! was waiting for my retirement, still battling to use my products and so many new things on the market…..but I love it

  8. Jenny Reid

    OOPs, not that old yet should read 12.5 years not 21.5..

  9. Ruth G

    I started scrapbooking as a way of keeping the stories of the family about 20 years ago.

  10. Cherri Engle

    I actually got started scrapbooking because my 9 year old daughter go into it. My twin sister gave my daughter some scrapbooking supplies for her Birthday and then the next event (my son’s birthday) I took pictures with the intent of scrapping them. I actually used some of my daughter’s supplies at first then I was instantly hooked…That was 14 years ago…now I have grandbabies that I am using as my ‘subject’ of most of my pages.

  11. Nicole Lamarche

    I started scrapbooking when I started realizing how much I was actually forgetting about my children’s early years. You know…those things you think you will NEVER forget start slipping away.

  12. becky

    A friend invited me to a Creative Memories party.

  13. Jennifer Smith-Sloane

    I was 16 and visiting my cousin in Wisconsin for a week-long trip before my Senior year in high school. She had just started scrapbooking herself after going to a Creative Memories party from a lady at church. It turned out the lady was hosting a crop that week while we were there and we got to go. I got to create my first page from some photos I had brought with me {scary to say the least} and was hooked. I spent the rest of the week scrapbooking away when I wasn’t able to go out due to not having a car. I have been hooked ever since!

  14. Kim A

    I always knew I was an artist at heart but felt I had no talent.I started to dabble around with simple projects with paper and started scrapbooking my family memories and discovered I do have some talent.That led to oil painting,jewelry design and much more and I owe it all to scrapbooking for making me see that art is doing what you love and letting you shine through it.

  15. louann

    I got started scrapbooking with the birth of our granddaughter. Still want to do a scrapbook for each of our kids and grandkids.

  16. Carole

    I am just getting started scrapbooking. Since I’m now the “older generation” there are a lot of memories to record about earlier generations, my life story, my children and grandchildren. There are boxes of photos and stoies that need to be put in some semblance of order. Obviously this is going to have to be done in a “simple” format but I’m looking forward to getting it done. These stories need to left for future generations!

  17. Melissa

    I started with my sister way back in the 90s. It’s hysterical what some of my first pages look like!

  18. Ramie

    I started scrapbooking rather accidentally, before it was popular. I started with a few pieces of construction paper (ack), some glue (elmers school) and some funky scissors…….a year later, I redid everything but the first 5 pages……which just had random pics of friends from high school!

  19. Lyn

    I started scrapbooking as an outlet when I was suffering from depression about 5 years ago. Over the depression now, but am continuing the scrapbooking journey. Love it!

  20. Judianne Graham

    Wanted something fun to do after the kids were in bed and hubby was still on patrol with the Sheriff’s Department.

  21. karen keiper

    I was a cardmaker first and then my friend became a creative memories consultant. She still is! and I still buy tools off her!! And that was the start of my creative journey.

  22. Melinda Wilson

    I started scrapbooking to fix my husband’s baby book that his mother made and it was falling apart. Following that, our son was in a children’s production of Tom Sawyer and I wanted to preserve the pictures and program . . . but that was all I was going to do – LOL!! That was in 1997 and I have my own scrapbook room.

  23. Margot/NZ

    I went to a class at the local craft store when I was new to the town I’ve now lived near for 8 years. Since then I’ve made hundreds of pages. I love this hobby that lets me combine photography and storytelling.

  24. Luisa Morgan

    I started in 2005 after seeing a TV program for a year. One day I was at a Michaels store looking for some flowers and stems to make a flower arrangement and the store, re-arranged everything and by mistake I ended up in the scrapbooking aisle. OMG… the passion begun… I soon discover the trimmer, adhesives, inkpads, eyelet setter, punches and everything I watch in the TV program. And of course was “paralized” when I saw the tons of beautiful paper racks. I spended 3+ hours searching for pretty papers without a theme in mind. I ended up buying all the tools I remember seeing in the TV Program.

  25. Tammy

    I started paper scrapping in 1994 – I made an album for my Grandpa’s 80th birthday 🙂 I started looking at digital scrapping in 2005, but life got in the way. Just last year I got serious about making a complete switch. I set aside what I needed paper-wise and sold or gave away all the rest of my supplies & tools when we downsized last month. Now it’s on to a new {digital} adventure! 🙂

  26. Vianna

    I started taking pictures 40 years ago – at about the same time I started keeping a diary. Both are an integral part of my life, and I like the idea of combining my “stories” with my pictures. Scrapbooking lets me do that in a creative way. Been doing it since 2004.

  27. JeanD

    I had a friend who wanted to do a ballet album for her daughter so I went along to a party with her – that was the beginning of the end. I scrap, she doesn’t (never did finish the album)

  28. E

    I was going through pictures at my family home and wished I had the backstory to the great majority of them. My parents were deceased, so there was no one from whom to get the history, and no one among us who knew any more than I did. So I began there just jotting down what I (thought I) knew and what others said as well. Then I tried putting them in chrono order, as best as I/we could figure. That day, I stumbled through the back door of my scrapbooking addiction.

    That was twenty years ago or more. Today it has taken on a whole different existence with digital scrapbooking, at which I am still a beginner with much to learn. Much!

  29. cate brickell

    I went to a card class run by a friend who owned a shop. she talked me into going to a crop the same night, and it’s history from there…

  30. Susan T

    A dear friend of mine who was also my boss had asked me if I wanted to go to crop with her. So i had no idea what this was all about so I went out of curiosity. All I had to bring was a scrapbook. I was hooked from there on in
    My husband says I love your friend but I could shoot her for getting you involed in this hobby 🙂 I love it !!!!

  31. Lydia

    For my son’s first christmas I received a Scrapbook kit. I have always loved taking pictures and putting them in albums but this was an enlightment to me. 12 years later and I still love to scrapbook!

  32. Sherry P

    I was on the yearbook staff in high school. Way back before computers! This led to me keeping my own personal mementos and stories. I’m a sucker for “remembering” the good ol’ days!

  33. Kathy G.

    I have a dear friend who is quite artsy ~ painting, woodwork, ceramics…not a word used to describe me at all. She kept telling me that her new hobby – scrapbooking – was right up my alley. After alot of grumbling, I jumped in with an album for my daughter tracking the year of her engagement. So fun. That was 7 years ago…I never looked back!

  34. Claudia McDaniel

    I started scrapbooking after my first son was born, back in 2001. I admit I collected supplies for a good long while, though, before I finally cut into that paper. Since then, I’ve had 2 more boys and made many albums full of pages. I love scrapbooking! It’s so good for stress relief and really does make me realize how blessed we are.

  35. Sandra

    About 16 years ago I went to a workshop of Creative Memories my grandma gave. It sparked my interest, and I bought a Precious Moments scrapbook kit. About a year later I met a mom in my son’s preschool who was opening a scrapbook store. I’ve been hooked ever since!

  36. Becky Madden

    In 2001 after being declared 100% disabled from asthma/COPD, I went to Michael’s one day and saw all this hoopla about scrapbooking. I started making an album for my husband and I’s travels. It was an 8×10 then. It’s been a great pastime for me ever since! There’s still a lot I’d like to learn, especially using the new mediums that are out now.

  37. SueTR

    I have been making scrapbooks since forever…literally junior high and before…not the “fancy” ones like we do now but pictures and words and memorabilia all together to document my life…It’s been probably well over 30 years and still going strong!

  38. Nat

    I go away for one weekend and I miss all the fun!

    I started back in high school because my sister was doing it – simple as that. I kept with it even though she lost interest very quickly. I wrote a post about it late last year (link below). Over the years, I’ve really embraced the hobby because it’s part of who I am and how I look at life. Back then I didn’t think that “cutting and pasting” made me creative.


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