Weekly Recap + Weekend Reading


“One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

Weekly Recap

This was definitely a quiet, time-for-rest sort of week. I puttered around the house, cleaning things that were annoying me. I worked, a lot, and then some more. Memory keeping took a back seat to just general living and catching up on things I’ve put off for too long. Oh, and I got an iPad to celebrate the success of Everyday Storyteller. More on that soon!

I’m intentionally trying to invite more space into my life – physical, mental, emotional space. I find that when I give myself this space I am better able to tune my attention to the present. In turn, I become far more content (and more productive).

What did you do this week? Share your recap in the comments.

Weekend Reading

Every weekend at Simple Scrapper you are invited to join us for reflection on our memory keeping activities as well as our ongoing tradition of  sharing simple tips, tutorials and inspiring ideas from around the web.

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