WPT#5: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Time (VIDEO)

by | Productivity Advice | 16 comments

The Weekly Pep Talk is a video podcast series designed to help you find more time for scrapbooking and use it well. Learn more in our free guide.


In this week’s episode, I’m coming to you from a secret hide-out where I sometimes get work done. I’m there both out of necessity and to illustrate this week’s message. Subscribers may need to visit the website to view the video.

Your Weekly Pep Talk

It’s your turn to talk! Do you use small pockets of time well?Β What’s one habit you could change to do better?

If you enjoyed this video and want to know the moment I upload another, make sure to subscribe in iTunes or on YouTube.

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  1. Falwyn

    I know I need to try doing this more so I can be more productive. I need to spend more pockets of time dealing with my photos since they’re so important to actually doing any scrapping. Which probably means I need to turn the Internet off on my computer cuz I tend to get distracted…

  2. Christy S. aka emeraldvalkyrie

    It took practice for me to use small pockets of time. I homeschool my son. During the homeschool period, I may have small stretches of 10-30 minutes while he works independently, usually for math. I use those small periods of time to work a little here or there on a layout.

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      Yes, Christy – I agree it takes practice. It requires training your brain to even consider doing something other than your norm.

  3. Kelly Sroka

    I really need to be better at this. I often forgo using small amounts of time to scrapbook because I feel I need a long period of time to accomplish anything. I like the idea of using small pockets of time to finish a layout over the course of a day or so.

  4. Gina Comer

    Oh, Jennifer! I LOVE that you blogged from your bathroom! When I have small moments, I usually organize photos or supplies. In doing so I am often inspired to create. I usually use larger blocks of time to scrap. When I sew, my process is reversed. I need focused time to plan and cut out my pattern. Then I can steal a moment here and there to sew a seam and soon have a finished project. Thank you for your wonderful series of videos! Blessings, Gina

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      Thanks Gina – taking those small steps forward, just doing a little bit to get organized even, can do wonders for creativity. Our brains love to know there is an easy path ahead because you are prepared.

  5. Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever

    LOL! You my darlin’ girl put a HUGE smile on my face today!!!

    Yes! I, for some time now, have had to completely rely on “pockets of time”. In listening to your video, I would even go so far as to say that my “pockets of time” have definitely had an accumulative effect and have allowed me to complete a few projects on a smaller scale. This has kept me from giving up entirely due to life-altering events that have prevented me from working on any larger projects in the time frames I had hoped to.

    Love your colorful shower curtain. It makes for a fabulous backdrop in your sweet little video hideaway!

    As always, you keep me inspired to keep moving forward and to be creative in finding those “pockets of time” to sneak in here-and-there!

    Love and hugs,

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      Most welcome Linda! I think that when we have “big” stuff going on, it helps to choose baby steps to feel like it’s going to be OK and we’re moving forward.

  6. fancyscrapper

    This is great, Jen! I’m usually using those pockets of time where I’m trapped (at red lights and such) for strategic planning of meals and such for my family. I’ll have to add in scrappy inspiration as well! I’m learning to use small pockets of time, but I generally do better in larger dashes. Thank you for your inspiration today!

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      You raise an important point Cynthia – that this can really apply to all aspects of your life. For some you may want to use those little bits of time to get more in control of family issues so that you have larger chunks later for scrapping.

  7. Laura Kaplan

    This is pretty much the only way I ever scrap. My “studio” is my dining room table, which I have to walk past to get to my kitchen, so I obviously walk past it several times a day. It keeps my current project fresh in my mind and I’m “working” on it all the time. When I have two minutes, I’ll pull out patterned paper, or embellishments, that I think might work. Several hours later, I’ll arrange those items as I walk past. It really works for me, even as a busy full-time teacher and mom of two young boys!

  8. Aimee

    I have been at a complete standstill for over a year when it comes to my scrapbooking. I have been trying to do more digital or combination of both, but it has become a complicated mess, trying to organize photos from all the different sources. I want to make sure I have “ALL” the photos from everyone/where. I become overwhelmed & walk away from it. I think I’m going to try and use small pockets of time to organize. Hopefully this will restore the enthusiuasim to complete albums.

    Thanks for your time, videos & blog. You are an inspiration.

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      Aimee – I think what will help you most is a clear plan (in writing) for tackling the photos. Break it down into 10 minute tasks, so when you do have the bits of time, you know exactly what needs to be done next.

  9. Jenn

    Thanks for the reminder! I am lucky enough to be able to keep all of my things out so that it would be EASY to grab a few minutes at a time. Too often I tell myself, “What’s the point? I don’t have much time, I’ll just do it later.” I need to cut that out! πŸ™‚

  10. Trish Allard

    I need to also work on this. I do have large pockets of time that I seem to whittle away in the silliest of ways. The times I have taken those few pockets of time I seem to be more productive! So, I think I will be more conscience about those pockets and do some real following-through. Thanks for the reminder.
    ps…your smile while sitting in front of the shower curtain is priceless!

  11. Trish Allard

    well after reading my post, I guess the word “pocket” is my word of the day!


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