Where Did You Go to School? (Q&A)

by | In My Office | 8 comments

It’s Q&A month and I’m answering your biggest questions about life, business, and simple scrapbooking.

Q&A with Jennifer Wilson | Where Did You Go to School?

Where did you go to school?

I went to Trinity University in San Antonio, TX, where I majored in Geosciences with a minor in Environmental Studies. I also spent a semester studying at the Biosphere 2 Center in Arizona, when it was operated through Columbia University. I then got my Masters in Soil & Water Science at the University of California, Riverside.

While my education has been focused on science (and I still work in the water field part-time), I have always been interested in teaching and writing online. I launched my first eZine on AOL in 1996 and coded my first website in a text editor the following year.

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    • Jennifer Wilson

      I really enjoyed my time in San Antonio and looking back, wish I had been a little bit more of a party animal.

  1. HelenH

    Did you know a professor at Trinity, Char Miller?

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Yes, of course. I never took a class with him, but he was involved in various environmental activities on campus.

  2. HelenH

    Too funny. I went to high school with him. In fact, my icon photo is the chapel at that school!

  3. Jamie

    Another Texas connection! I grew up in SA.

    Trinity’s a good school y’all! Jennifer’s a smartie πŸ™‚ but we all knew that already

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Aww, thanks Jamie!

  4. Gab

    That is so cool to know more about you!


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