March Story Starter Challenge

Storytelling Ideas

For the past four years I’ve been releasing new storytelling prompts to members every month. This year, we’re celebrating each month’s theme with a Story Starter™ Challenge. You’re invited to create a layout and submit it for a chance to win a 3-month Simple Scrapper membership pass.


How to Participate + Win

Step 1 (optional) – Download this free story discover tool to brainstorm story ideas and make a plan for your layout.

Step 2 – Create a new layout, pocket page spread, or mini album related to this month’s theme: You’ve Got Mail

Step 3 – Submit a photo of your completed work in the comments below by 11:59pm on the 30th of this month.

This post will be updated on the 1st of next month announcing the winner of a 3-month Simple Scrapper membership pass. The winner will also be contacted directly with instructions on starting her membership.

Three Ideas from the Creative Team

Each of these layouts from our creative team uses a sketch or layered template from the membership along with one of this month’s twelve new Story Starters.

You can get instant access to a library of more than 400 Story Starter™ prompts when you become a member at Simple Scrapper.

This layout from Kelly Sroka tells the story of how, through Facebook, she was able to connect with her son’s foster mother in Guatemala.


This layout from Lisa Corbin-Polak tells the story of the amazing advances in technology that have un-tethered us from the home and allow us to stay in contact via phone.


This layout from Jan Sowder tells the story of how she met her husband online 10+ years ago.


Now it’s your turn! Upload your layout by 3/30/15.

Congratulations to our March Story Starter Challenge winner – Jane H! We will contact you soon with instructions!

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  1. Kim Edsen

    This story starter was perfect inspiration for getting a recently found birthday card + letter from my grandmother onto a scrapbook page!

    • Amy Melniczenko

      Great page, Kim! What a wonderful story to tell!

  2. Jane H

    I couldn’t help but compare how different teenage communication is now to when I was a similar age.

    • Amy Melniczenko

      Such a great layout! My kids are always fascinated by the fact that I had to wait around for a call instead of having instant call access. And the texting … I can’t imagine being a teen who can constantly be in touch with anyone!

      I love your page … the green/pink color combo is so refreshing!

  3. Lauren M

    My boys love taking selfies, and I really treasure these photos with the three of us as it means that I can easily capture memories as they happen. The boys are just being silly, but for me these photos capture a part of their childhood and one day they might not want to be in the photo with me, so I cherish these moments.

    • Amy Melniczenko

      This is so fun! I love it! What a great thing to be able to look back on later! It definitely captures your life today!

  4. Marilyn Anderson

    My youngest daughter Breanne lives in Mississippi, 1200 miles from where is live in Utah, She now has a beautiful baby boy named Malikai. I am so grateful for modern technology such as Email, Facebook and text messages, that make it possible for her to share his many firsts with me.

    • Amy Melniczenko

      What a beautiful layout! I love the envelopes! Congrats on your beautiful grand baby!

      • Marilyn Anderson

        Thank you Amy.

        • Marilyn Anderson

          Amy can you tell me why my layout looks a little pixelated, I sent it at 300 ppi.

  5. Margaret Churchland

    This is my version of You have mail. As a grandma a long way from family I love getting a message from my grand children. Also being in the country mail is important to keep me up to date with my scrapbooking so I love getting mail from Jennifer.

  6. Margaret Churchland

    Having grandchildren living a long long way away I love getting a text

    message from them. I also love my emails that keep me on task with my

    scrapbooking. Thanks Jennifer you keep me learning new things and

    challenging me to do things I never thought I would attempt. Margaret

  7. Margaret Churchland

    oops I doubled up on this one.

  8. picture-finder

    My favorite layout this month though is once again the story starters. If you haven’t yet checked out the story starters which come as part of the simple scrapper premium membership you need to as your missing out.  Ever since Jennifer added them they have made some of the greatest layouts for my albums and this month I feel is no different. They really get me to journal about things I would normally scrap about.


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