How to Stay Caught Up

Announcements, Featured Post

Despite all the options that make it easier than ever to document your life, one of the most common challenges is feeling behind.

Life is moving far faster than your creative energy and motivation. It’s hard to keep up with this year’s photos, let alone venture into the past.

We’ve made it our specialty to help scrapbookers set priorities, make significant progress… and enjoy the ride along the way!

There are two key factors that can help you stay caught up, in anything!

#1 is rails. This looks like turning most scrapbooking activities into projects that have constraints in time, format, and creative style. The more clear and specific you can get, the easier it will be to pick up where you left off.

#2 is accountability. A big part of productivity has nothing to do with what you are doing, but simply showing up to do it. The strategies you use to put in the time make a huge difference, especially over the course of a year.

If it takes these factors to find consistency, how do you make it all happen?

Inside of the Simple Scrapper community, we’ll guide you to creating a flexible plan that fills you up and fits your life. Every month we’ll check in with your plan and offer accountability opportunities to keep you progressing.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


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