Every season of life offers obstacles to feeling creative and spending time on our documenting projects. In this episode I’m chatting with Guisela Flores about the importance of carving out that time when you feel like you have the least of it. She shares her experiences as a mom in our conversation, but those experiencing shifts in career, caregiving, health, and beyond will find a takeaway.
Links Mentioned
- Altenew’s Amy Tangerine collection
- Amy Tangerine
- Heidi Swapp
- Ali Edwards
- Archer & Olive notebooks
- Brandi Kincaid’s Extravagant Hope
- Guisela on Instagram: @mintpapergf
[00:01:11] Jennifer Wilson: Welcome to Scrapbook Your Way, the show that explores the breadth of ways to be a memory keeper today. I’m your host, Jennifer Wilson, owner of Simple Scrapper and author of The New Rules of Scrapbooking.
This is episode 228. In this episode I'm chatting with Guisela Flores about documenting during the busiest seasons of life. Our conversation discusses the mental health benefits of crafting and memory keeping, even when it feels like there isn’t enough time.
[00:01:43] Jennifer Wilson: Hey Guisela welcome to the podcast.
[00:01:45] Guisela Flores: Hi. Thank you for having me.
[00:01:46] Jennifer Wilson: I would love to learn more about you today. Can you start by sharing a few things about yourself?
[00:01:54] Guisela Flores: Yes, absolutely. Um, so my name is Guisela Flores. I'm originally from Guatemala and I've been living here in the US for about five years because of my work. Um, I've been married for seven years to, uh, somebody from El Salvador, which we met in South Korea, which is a long story. So we're pretty much an international family. Um, uh, I have two kids, a four year old daughter and a six month, uh, baby boy. Um, so it's safe to say that it's a fun time in my house right now. Um, I work in my day-to-day for the customer service BBO industry. So I normally, I used to work a lot before the pandemic. Now. I love working from home because I work with people from different countries, uh, to serve, um, different companies who outsource several processes with our company. So it's very fun to do that. I I get to work every day with people from all over the world. Um, and yeah, and I love creating fun, creative outlets, um, as a hobby and I would say as a mental health, health outlet as well. Um, so I love water colors and memory keeping and, um, trying new things, um, in that creative aspect.
[00:03:11] Jennifer Wilson: Well, I can't wait to dig into more of that in our conversation today, but one thing we always ask our guests is what's exciting you right now? So I would love if you shared a non scrapbooking thing as well as a scrapbooking thing.
[00:03:24] Guisela Flores: Yeah, absolutely. So on the non scrapping side, I'm very excited about the summer. Uh, we have been since 2020, if you believe in the middle of the pandemic. Me and my husband started traveling back to our families. We don't have family here. Um, I live in San Antonio Texas. We don't have family here. It's just us and the kids. So we do try to travel back home to both of the countries, Guatemala and El Salvador as much as we can. So we do a whole month in the summer and then we try to do it for the holidays in December. So we're actually traveling next week, uh, for a month, uh, to spend time with our families, both Guatemala and El Salvador. So it's very excited because we show our kids. My daughter is super excited. Uh, she's been doing this for the past two years. Um, so we get to interact with our cousins and sight seeing around the country. Um, so it's a, a fun time to do because I work remotely so I can, I get to work while I'm still in my hometown. So that's very exciting for us this time in the summer.
[00:04:25] Jennifer Wilson: Oh yes. I hope that's wonderful.
[00:04:27] Guisela Flores: Oh yes, we, we, since we don't have family close by, that's the time that we cherish a lot. my daughter also gets to practice her Spanish. I mean, she, we only talk Spanish in my house, but, um, she, she gets to see all the family that we don't get to see the whole year around. So.
[00:04:43] Jennifer Wilson: Well, I hope that goes very smoothly, especially with your six month old.
[00:04:47] Guisela Flores: Yes, that is gonna be his first international travel. So, Um, let's see how that goes. I mean, we had some practice with my daughter. I used to travel way more before, so I usually take her with me to just drop her off in Guatemala and then travel other to other places. So, uh, we're kind of gear up with my husband.
[00:05:05] Guisela: We know kind of the, the, the tips and tricks, but let's see how it goes with two. So yeah, looking forward to that.
[00:05:14] Jennifer Wilson: And then your scrapbooking related thing.
[00:05:16] Guisela: So I'm very excited about a project that I get to participate right now in, um, in June. I was invited by Altenew um, the, this company that they have amazing watercolors, watercolor markers.
[00:05:29] Guisela: They have a whole range of products. They just launched, um, a fun collection with one of my favorite designers, Amy Tangerine. I have been following her for a while, I guess since 2017, 2018, that I started all my scrapbooking work and just sharing, um, um, on Instagram. Uh, so I was super happy to get invited to the launch.
[00:05:51] Guisela: They actually sent me, they give me the entire collection, the stamps and the inks, the whole collection that they launched, um, in May. Almost month before to be able to, um, work on some projects, uh, to use it for the launch that just happened this week. Um, she's also throwing a workshop in August with them. But, uh, it was very fun to do that. That's, this is the first time that I get invited to a launch for our collaboration. Uh, and it was super fun because it's with one of my, uh, favorite designers ever. So it was very exciting.
[00:06:26] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, that's so cool. We will definitely link to those products in the show notes. They, they look really cool.
[00:06:32] Guisela: Yes, they are. They are. Um, and I get to play around with it, um, with all. With all the things that I do. So it was very fun.
[00:06:41] Jennifer Wilson: Awesome. So what is on your memory keeping bucket list? So it's kind of shifting gears a little bit, but we love to find out what are the stories that feel important to tell, but for some reason or another, you haven't done it yet.
[00:06:54] Guisela: Yeah, I think that I do a lot of documenting for what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis. Of course, I document for my kids, but I think that one of the things that I wanna do, dig a little bit deeper now that I have my second baby. It's kinda those family trips and as we were discussing this type of, uh, like the trip that we're doing right now in the summer. Um, I wanna, I, I take, I'm, I'm the photo taker in my family. I'm taking, I'm not in the pictures, uh, but I'm taking pictures from everyone, especially my kids and my family. Uh, because I wanna really remember every single thing that we're doing with them and cherish those moments that we get to spend time with them cause we don't see them. Um, so I do wanna do something different.
[00:07:37] Guisela: I was thinking of probably doing, uh, a special project for documenting the summer. I. I've been wanting to do that for the last past two summers, and then life gets in the middle. But I think that's something, it definitely is in my bucket list to make sure that I do maybe a fun summer album for my kids, especially with what they're doing, what, what's happening in their life right now.
[00:07:56] Guisela: And, and dig a little bit deeper into what they're experiencing with their families and this type of trips. Um, I think that's something that definitely I wanna dig, um, that I don't have it right now.
[00:08:09] Jennifer Wilson: Do you have an idea of kind of how you want to approach it in terms of like the size or format?
[00:08:15] Guisela: Definitely something, uh, approachable. And that's kind of my main focus. Uh, with my creative projects. I tend to work a lot notebooks and, uh, traveler's notebooks, so maybe something like that. Definitely a traveler's notebook. I did one actually in the pandemic with my daughter. Uh, for my daughter because we, we were locked down. We were living in a different place. Um, and I really love that format. Um, I think it's really approachable. Um, I, I really get creative because I feel less pressure of feeling a lot of, uh, space, feeling a lot of things. So, um, definitely thinking that even, um, so you should be probably a notebook or a traveller's notebook.
[00:08:56] Jennifer Wilson: Sounds cool. Sounds cool. I think that's good. And that really connects well with our topic today. Um, I would love to chat with you about getting started in a really simple way when it comes to memory keeping. So maybe we could start by having you tell us how you got started.
[00:09:12] Guisela: Yeah. So I got started actually after I got married. Um, I put a room in my house. I had space in my house at that time and I decided to do my own studio. And then at that time, I actually started digging into the, the scrapbooking and Memory Keeping World by Heidi Swapp. I, that's another, the designers that I really love.
[00:09:33] Guisela: Um, she's been in the industry for forever. She has a lot of collections with American Craft, same as Amy Tangerine. Um, and that, and they do have a lot of products related to memory keeping. They have notebooks, uh, travelers', notebooks. So both of them actually are kind of my lead influence, I guess, in the world of, uh, memory keeping and travelers' notebook and scrapbooking. Uh, because I really like the way that they work very non-complicated. I really, I mean, I've, I, I, I think I have one album that I did. From a collection from, um, Ali Edwards, one of her projects. But then I really don't have a single album in my house. I pretty much everything that I do, it's in a notebook or traveler notebook, or a planner. Um, so they were my inspiration at that time, and I started with one of Heidi Swapp kits. She actually had, at that time a notebook that came with some embellishments, washi, some stickers. And so I started documenting, um, kind of my life when I just got married, um, in a notebook. Um, and I had really, I just, I had a printer and then I was pretty much just printing my photos at home. Uh, you know, like four by four size because it was really a small space. So I really didn't have to document a lot. I pretty much covered most of the things with, um, photos. And then I started like that. I wanna say that I, I, I really wanted to fill the entire year. I didn't. Um, and that was okay. I love looking back on my notebooks, uh, even if they're not a hundred percent completed, but, um, but yeah, that was how I started it. I wa that was around, I would say 2017. Yeah, right after I got married.
[00:11:13] Jennifer Wilson: I'm curious what. Attracted you to these more approachable formats versus, you know, all the other ways that you can be a scrapbooker. Um, I think one of the reasons that I often hear is that they don't have enough space, but you had the space. So I'm curious kind of what were some of the other reasons, um, that, that went into that.
[00:11:34] Guisela: I think because, um, I think it's approachable. I, uh, for me, I think it's less daunting to say that I have to print a lot of pictures or that I have to fill out a big space. Um, and then it's also something that you can carry around. Um, I was traveling a lot at that time, so I was able to take my notebook or a, a traveler's notebook with me. And then I also love to collect a lot of memorabilia from where I'm, where I'm visiting, right? Like a ticket or a napkin or a sticker from someplace that I can put on my notebook. And then if I have it with me, I, I, in my mind, I won't forget and I will do it on the spot instead of just like going back home and then starting to print something big or do something like in a bigger format. I think that that, that, um, that option that you can actually take it around with you. I think that something that appealed to me at the beginning, that it was less complicated and also because I I really love working with stickers and, washi tapes, so things that you can actually carry around. I have. multiple totes and I would say small bags that I used, uh, to travel. Granted that I used to travel with more, uh, scrapbooking stuff before I had kids. But, but Yeah. But that was something that I, that I got to do. And so I was taking it with me while I was traveling between countries or on a work trip and, and I was like filling it out and like digging, I mean, taking some time to do it. So that's, that's why I, I started feeling attracted because I all the time like the idea of documenting, but I didn't know where to start. Um, I love watching albums. I love, I love, so I follow a lot of people that work with um, projects from Ali Edwards. She, she built such amazing work and so, so very talented people that have amazing albums. Um, so I, I wanted to document something, but I didn't know how to do it without actually carving a lot of time or feeling overwhelmed about all of things to prep. So I think this was a way of doing that.
[00:13:40] Jennifer Wilson: So you also work in the memory planner format as well, so you're really into kind of what I see as more modern formats versus, you know, maybe traditional layouts or even pocket pages are a little bit older now. Are there other reasons why you think that these formats are great for beginners? Cause I'm seeing so many who are like, Ooh, what is that? That looks different than the way I think of scrapbooking or memory keeping.
[00:14:06] Guisela: Yeah, and I think that, um, I, I guess that a lot of designers have launched a lot of different things that goes, goes around this news, new product. So for example, Ali Edwards, she's, she's known by very traditional scrapbooking and albums. But I think it was two collections ago that I actually didn't work on any of her projects because I, I, everything that I saw, it was an album. But then it, I think it was two years ago, she launched and a special like folio, like a, um, a felt folio for December Daily project. And I was like, yes. That's exactly what I want. I want a notebook that I don't, that I don't need to do, like get all of the embellishment and like work extra hard. I can actually just write down as I go and then print a couple of pictures here and there. So I think that designers and, and people in, uh, in the products are also launching things on that way.
[00:14:57] Guisela: So that's, I would say creating that, like that curiosity. Curiosity, right. To see like, oh, so how would be, I get a lot of questions in my Instagram, like, oh, I, I love the way they're documented. I, I didn't know that I, I could do that. And people like switching between travelers notebook and the notebook versus the the album, right? I think it's a way of refreshing the way that you're documenting. Um, people that have documented forever in albums. They're like, oh, maybe this is another way that I can feel inspired and creative. Um, so I think that, I mean, a lot of designers are lo launching products that go along with that.
[00:15:32] Guisela: And that's exactly what I started following Ali Edwards because I saw that felt notebook. And then she did the same for the One Little Word workshop that she does. I think again, two years ago in not only the album she started launching, um, some, uh, folios, some letter folios with notebooks, blind notebooks to be able to document along with the project. So that's how I started getting engaged and seeing, oh, so this is another way that I don't need to get the whole thing. Um, and this is something more approachable to manage. So I think that that's also changing the way people are approaching it. The products, I think the products guide a lot of the way that you're documenting.
[00:16:14] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, yes. And we have so many, it's just amazing options today for sure.
[00:16:18] Guisela: I know. Yeah, yeah.
[00:16:19] Jennifer Wilson: So, Now even with traveler's notebooks, like we have all seen things that are very complicated, as detailed as a big 12 by 12 or 24 by 12 spread. So how do you keep it simple and not stressful and not like worry about overdesigning it?
[00:16:37] Guisela: Um, I, I try to keep a balance on my, on what I'm using. So normally, I mean, I could do a lot of stuff and sometimes I do overcomplicate and I wanna put stamping on it and some other fancy stuff. But normally I, I, I try to keep a couple of things handy, like washi tape on my desk and then a set of stickers that I can use and then some color pens that I can just grab and, and document. So I think that narrowing down what I'm using. It also helps to keep it simple, uh, that I'm not overcomplicated to just add too much stuff on it. But I, I will be honest, I sometimes I do wanna, uh, make it very creative and I started adding stamps. So I have a stamp collection now. And then a little bit more like art journaling to my projects. But, uh, but I'm fine if sometimes I'm just adding a couple of stickers and my journaling. And, and even in my memory planner, I, I will do a couple of videos. I have not updated in my Instagram. However, my, my memory planner is going this year. And actually I'm fine if I didn't, didn't fill it out a week. And it happens, right?
[00:17:41] Guisela: I mean, life happens and I don't have to have it a hundred percent full. But even if I only got like the journaling part on it, I feel good that I was able to stop and document something.
[00:17:54] Jennifer Wilson: I'm curious how you approach your memory planner versus a Traveler's notebook project. Um, I think, and this is maybe just from my own experience, I think sometimes it's a little bit more intimidating if there is more kind of structure to the page and, um, maybe there's, there's dates on the page, whether or not you're filling them in yourself. So there's more kind of decisions and constraints at the same time.
[00:18:18] Guisela: Yeah, you're right. Um, definitely with the travel, no notebook you can do a lot of stuff and then you put the date you can continue a month after and then two months later. Um, but yeah, so I try to use, um, now I'm memory keeping and both Amy Tangerine and, and Heidi Swapp have undated and dated planners that they use. I actually have tried both, and I'm gonna say that I like the constriction of having the dates. Because it forced me to actually document and say, okay, this has a date, so I need to follow up and this week, every day I need to write something or document something or print sticker on it. So it actually helps me to, I'm, I'm not gonna say force, but encourage me to fill out and work on my memory, my memory planner instead of a traveler's notebook that I approach it more in a, like ad hoc base. Like, oh, I wanna document that trip that we did. So I'm gonna do it in a traveler's notebook or a notebook. Uh, but in my memory keeping, I like actually have it, I, I literally have it next to me on my desk. So in between meetings at work or at noon while I'm having lunch, whatever. I try to keep it closed. So as I was telling you, maybe I'm not having a lot of, of stamps or like a lot of creative stuff, but just my pen and my journal and my, and my planner, and then just documented what's happening in the day. A phrase that my daughter said that I wanna remember, um, on that day is specifically. Um, so yeah, so I think that the, the, the reason that it has a date, it forced me and encourages me to actually take the time. in the day and fill it out. I think.
[00:19:53] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, I like that. Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
[00:19:57] Guisela: Mm-hmm.
[00:19:58] Jennifer Wilson: Now, you've mentioned that you are a working mom, and I often hear that one of the biggest barriers to either starting to be a memory keeper or continuing to scrapbook is time. It's one of the biggest reasons people maybe even step away. So how do you carve out that time?
[00:20:15] Guisela: Yeah. And I think that I, I, I learned that a lot after my first baby. I think that, you need to carve out time for yourself and for your mental health. Especially, when you're going through big changes. Like I, I felt after I had, I, I was a mom for the first time, living abroad by myself without family. So I really made myself make, make the time either at night or either early morning. It doesn't have to be like the whole hour of sitting down in a desk. But I did it like in between things, in between meetings or at night before going to bed. Which was important for me to just do something for me other than working and being a mom and all the daily, daily stuff that you need to do. So, um, I was, I, I started myself to be very strict to that. And then my husband is such a great support because I also carve out some time to do some, um, well after the pandemic, actually some live, uh, workshops. I tried to go into some creative stuff. I did a, in February, I went to a pottery one. Um, actually just this last weekend I did, um, dry flower arrangement workshop as well. Um, in one of, uh, um, my favorite scrapbooking shop here in San Antonio. So I do try to carve out that time for me. Um, and maybe not every month, but, um, every other day, um, to make sure that, that I have that. Just for, I, I guess it's, uh, I don't guess that it's, it's mental health and making sure that I have that specific time to, just decompress from everything. But, um, I think the message is that you don't have to do a lot of time. It doesn't have to be, an hour or two hours, I think only 10, 15 minutes. As long as you can sit down and document something. Maybe put a couple, literally a couple pages down or couple of stickers down, it helps. So that's how I approach it.
[00:22:06] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, it sounds like just being really intentional and even if you only have that little period of time, it's just kind of taking the breath and accepting it's okay for me to sit down for 15 minutes. Um, whether you do anything or not. Sometimes too.
[00:22:22] Guisela: Yeah, no, and and also give yourself grace. Because as I was telling you, I mean, I know a lot of people get a little anxious about not filling out their projects. And believe me, I don't have, I have started many projects. And I think that's one of the things I get excited about a lot of stuff. And I enroll a lot of things and I wanna do like three or four projects at the same time. I may not finish everything and I'm, I'm going through my notebook right now from my memory planner and I don't have the whole year, like, I think March, I only documented a week. And I think that's fine. Uh, at least I got something. I was able to carve out some time and so that's not stopping me for continuing, even though I do have some blank pages on it. I think that that's, that's a key thing. Like just give yourself grace that it won't be filled out a hundred percent. But the time that you do, just make it work and make it happen and, and just try to carve that time.
[00:23:16] Jennifer Wilson: Yes, yes, yes. It's so important. For sure.
[00:23:19] Guisela: Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:23:21] Jennifer Wilson: I love how even as a young mom like you, you know, with your kids still quite little, that you are, um, kind of starting with this perspective rather than, uh, growing into it over time, as I think a lot of us did, so.
[00:23:35] Guisela: Well, it's hard, especially in the early ages. I mean, my, my baby is a baby and my daughter was, was a baby as well when I, I started this. But I found out that that was a good outlet for me to also be a good mom. Because I needed that time for me to decompress, to make sure that I was, um, calmer, that I, I had a little bit more patience, uh, to be able to just do everything in my day. So, um, so yeah. And, and, and I would tell you there's a lot of discussion nowadays, more even in the brand. So for example, I use Archer and Olive a lot and their notebooks. And I love how Bonnie, the owner, she, she actually started that company for her, for mental health. To be able to just decompress and then as a way of coping and just carving that time for her. And so I, I love that a lot of um, the designers and product owners and in the community, they speak about that specifically. That is not only about documenting for documenting. And because it's so fun to have that for your kids and for you to do it, but also the, the doing it. Right? The, the act of doing it on a daily basis or on a weekly basis for you. Right, for, for carving some time for you and for your mental health. So I think all of that conversation openly now about, um.
[00:24:56] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, for sure.
[00:24:57] Guisela: Yeah. Postpartum depression and, um, all of that things that, that happen in, in real life. And, and maybe it's not a, a, a topic of conversation, but I think that a lot of of people are having those conversations and, and throwing products and things that, um, they're, they're saying help them.
[00:25:15] Guisela: And so I think that that also, Give yourself that time and start thinking about, about how, what are you doing for you? Right. So that helped me a lot in understanding that other people do it and I'm not alone in that. Uh, that I do feel that I need to do something for me. So I think that's important in the community. A lot of that discussion.
[00:25:36] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I hope this is helpful for, I know for at least there's gonna be at least one person out there, but hopefully many more that maybe have had a .
[00:25:44] Guisela: Mm-hmm.
[00:25:45] Jennifer Wilson: Change of thought here about taking that time.
[00:25:49] Guisela: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:25:49] Jennifer Wilson: I wanted to talk a little bit about, um, managing your stash. Because I think that's when we start buying things because we love them and there's always lots of things for however you wanna be a scrapbooker. Whether, even if you're a digital scrapbooker or hybrid or whatever. There's always things to buy, but how do we keep it manageable and not overwhelming?
[00:26:11] Guisela: So I'm not the expert. I'm gonna be completely transparent and if I'm gonna do someday, I'm my, my studio and do have tons of stickers tons of, um, of stamps and all types of pens. So yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm guilty of hoarding a lot of things. But I think that, um, and I try to do this at least once a year. Um, try to look at what I have and then for, I mean, all collections will, will launch, right?
[00:26:42] Guisela: You get very excited every time that somebody launch a colletion. So I do try to think about, okay, so what do I have? So in this year, actually, I did limit myself on buying more notebooks. I have a whole collection of Archer and Olive notebooks with like all the collaborations with Amy Tangerine. There's a store here in Austin that they, another collaboration with them, and I have the, the whole collection. Literally a box of a lot of notebooks.
[00:27:07] Guisela: So I said to myself, well, I'm, this year I'm not gonna buy more notebooks. I need to use the ones that I have first before I start buying more. Um, so I try to set up a goal a year to say, okay, this, this product, even though I know there's gonna be a lot of launches this year, I'm going to try to limit myself because I already have a lot. Um, so, and the other thing is that, um, I try to share. Um, I've been trying to encourage my sister to just start doing some of this, like exactly what we're talking about, carving sometimes for us, she has three kids. And I'm like, you need that, uh, you need that time. Even if you are, you don't wanna be like, uh, uh, have a lot of things and then just overwhelm your project.
[00:27:48] Guisela: But at least just get a notebook and then just start writing something or journal or, or draw something. So I actually, this year I started, I, I get, I, created a package for her for almost all of the things that I have, and then I sent it to her so she could start. So, um, so giving away as well to friends and family, things that you have at home as well, like just doing that cleanup, helps a lot to just understand what you have. But also sharing what you, what you're working on and what works for you. So, um, I think that's the other way of like, managing your stash, like, just like doing that inventory and then just like giving it out and, and encouraging somebody else. Family or friend to just take, take that, um, and, and start with something. Right? And, and just inviting them to, your creative process. Something like that.
[00:28:39] Jennifer Wilson: I am curious how you make sure that you're using your stash of maybe things that have been purchased a while ago versus only just the new stuff.
[00:28:49] Guisela: Um, so I don't. I do, I do have a, I don't. I do have a lot of stuff. The other day I was opening my, uh, wash tape box because it's a huge box, and I was like, yeah, I have too many things. And I don't even know where to start. Um, but, um, what I try to do, uh, when I'm starting a new project though, is that I, I started opening everything that I have and seeing, okay, so what do I have? Um, cleaning my, my boxes just because, and I've been cleaning it just because it doesn't seal anymore. I probably need more storage space.
[00:29:22] Guisela: Uh, but yeah, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not the best of managing everything that have. Um, but I do try before I'm starting a project to see what I have, um, and try to have it at hand to make sure that I use it.
[00:29:36] Guisela: Because if I have it in my boxes and as I was telling you, I'm on the, on my day to day and I wanna document something, I, I might not see it. So I do try to take out some of those stuff and then just have it handy in my desk to make sure that I use it.
[00:29:50] Jennifer Wilson: Awesome. Awesome.
[00:29:51] Guisela: Mm-hmm.
[00:29:53] Jennifer Wilson: Now, before we go today, I'm curious about your new business. It's something you mentioned when you reached out. Can you tell us more about it?
[00:29:59] Guisela: Yeah. Yes. So, um, I share a lot of things that I use and I, uh, I try to buy a lot from small businesses. I love supporting small businesses in every city that I have lived in. I do the same here in San Antonio. I love buying from local shops and local makers. Uh,
[00:30:18] Guisela: and I do that a lot from Guatemala, from my home country. So I, I thought about sharing what I love and what I use from Guatemala, creative people and artists, um, here in, in the US and here in, in my city, right? So, um, I use this handmade, uh, plastic recycled plastic bags as a house basket. And I learned this from another creator that I love, and I highly recommend, uh, Brandi Kincaid. She has this Extravagant Hope mailers. Um, and she, she shows her house baskets like, like she uses baskets or bags to just carry around home, her house, her journals and pens and all of her materials to make sure that she also has it at hand to create. So, to your earlier question, um, how do you make sure that you have, have things in handy and your document well, she recommends using like house baskets.
[00:31:13] Guisela: So for example, you have it in your bedroom right next to your, I dunno, your chair or your desk that you have in there, or maybe in your dining room. So you have in there basket where you have your journal, your stickers, and some pens to make sure that it's not an excuse that you have it at hand and whatever you're doing. In the spaces in your house that you can have it at at hand to be able to just grab it and use it. So I started using those baskets from back home, which are very colorful. All of that is handmade. There's such talented people in Guatemala that do this type of art. I think it's art because it's really beautiful, a lot, a lot of bright colors. So I started, um, so I'm starting a business in this year to bring things from my home country, from Guatemala. To just sell here and to share what I use, not only the the baskets, because I use it again as house basket and also storing my uh, stash and my stamps. Um, so, so people can enjoy it, you can use it different ways. Um, so I, I thought it was, um, an interesting thing to just bring it here and share it. I, I'm planning, um, the second semester of this year to bring things from other creative people in Guatemala. So I also buy, when I go back home, I also buy notebooks and stamps and, and things that are hand made in Guatemala. There's a couple of notebook makers there in Guatemala that I love, and I have their notebooks as well. And I use them, uh, for journaling. So stuff like that because I think that, just give, give, uh, the Guatemalan artists some other outlet, and I'm sharing also what I use and what I have bought back home. So that's, that's the idea. Literally sharing what I use in my creative day-to-day from my home country here in the US and in the city that I'm living in right now.
[00:33:06] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, that's so fun. I can't wait to see, uh, how that unfolds for you.
[00:33:11] Guisela: I'm just starting and I was saying I only, first I started with the bags, but then yes, slowly but surely I'm, I try to, I wanna get a couple more stuff, um, to be able to share with some friends here in the US. So, yes.
[00:33:24] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, sounds like a fun time. For sure.
[00:33:27] Guisela: Yes.
[00:33:28] Jennifer Wilson: Can you share where we can find you online?
[00:33:32] Guisela: Yes. I actually right now only have my Instagram account, which is MintPaperGF. Uh, that you can find me there. Um, actually also trying to upload some videos into a YouTube channel. Um, terrible. I'm gonna say terrible at editing videos and recording when I'm doing my creative work because I, I do it on the fly and then I'm. I'm doing something and then I remember that I wanted to record it and then I forget. But, uh, but I wanna be more intentional on recording when I'm documenting my memory, keep, uh, planner or when I'm doing a special project. Um, some people have asked like, how do you do that? And so, um, I wanna record more and probably share a couple of more process videos. So, um, more to come on that, um, in terms of the YouTube channel. But right now that's my Instagram.
[00:34:20] Jennifer Wilson: Oh, sounds great. We'll definitely include the link. Thank you so much for spending time with me.
[00:34:26] Guisela: Yeah. Thank you for having me.
[00:34:29] Jennifer Wilson: And to all of our listeners, please remember that you have permission to Scrapbook Your Way.
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