Thanks for your help in promoting Before Your Story at Big Picture Classes! I’m really excited about this workshop.
Basic Information
Tagline: A simple approach to autobiographical scrapbooking, from birth to adulthood
Registration page:
Short URL: You can use on Instagram or other locations where you need a short URL.
Regular price: $45 | Early-bird price: $37
Class begins: February 27
Class format: Handouts, worksheets, videos
Album format: Pocket pages, printables, layouts (variations provided)
Applicable for paper & digital? Yes
34 Things Blog Party
The blog party takes place from mid-January until class begins on February 27. This makes it easy to participate at your convenience. I would love to see all posts up by February 20th (sooner is even more awesome).
Step 1. Create a blog post sharing a list of things you want your child/spouse/other to know about you. I am using 34 things because I turned 34 this year. Feel free to use a number significant to you or even using a list of 10 to keep it simple.
Optional blog party graphic in three sizes: 250 | 500 | 900
Step 2. Include a link to Before Your Story with a brief description of the class in your post. You might do something like this:
Step 3. Optionally, add a giveaway for one seat in class to your post. Giveaway information is below.
Step 4. Publish your post and add it to the linky.
Giveaway Information
Blog giveaways may be hosted anytime before class begins on February 27. If desired, you may host the giveaway on Instagram or Facebook. Download this packet prepared by BPC containing graphics, details about the class, and the winner certificate. Additional graphics may be found below.
Additional Resources
This one-minute video can be embedded in your blog post using the code below.
BPC Affiliate Program
If you are not already an affiliate for Big Picture Classes, you can sign up with ShareASale to earn commissions on referrals.