Day in the Life | Fall

As I sit down to begin documenting my day I realize that my Day in the Life | Spring also recorded a day in which my husband was out of town. I didn’t choose this day with that in mind, but I must subconsciously feel more spaciousness for this level of detail...

Day in the Life | Summer

For most of us in the northern hemisphere, we think of summer as June, July, and August. I had intended to document a day in my typical life during this time, but it never happened. Before I jumped to the present day (Day in the Life | Fall is coming next week!), I...

Day in the Life | Spring

This year I decided it would be fun to do a Day in the Life exercise once each season. Four times during the year seems like just the right amount to capture how life shifts and changes. See Day in the Life | Winter. Spring is finally here and oh what a difference it...

Day in the Life | Winter

I’ve long been inspired by Ali Edwards’ Day in the Life and Week in the Life adventures, but have preferred to keep it simpler. For 2010, 2011, and 2012 I created 8×8 collages of my Week in the Life photos and called it good. In 2012 I also managed to...