The carnival is here

Welcome to the March 1, 2009 edition of the Carnival of Digital Scrapbooking. The carnival is YOUR chance to share the best of the web with everyone else. AteSienna shares her journey from paper to digital in Pourin’ So Much Love On Your Scraps. Kelly-Ann Halbert...

It’s carnival time!

Here ye, here ye! Come one, come all…. The February 15th edition of the Carnival of Digital Scrapbooking has been released. The Carnival is a fantastic opportunity to share your favorite tips, tricks, tutorials, layouts and stories with the digi community. You...

Have you joined the carnival?

The carnival of digital scrapbooking is hosted twice a month (1st and 15th) – it’s the best party in town! Joining the fun is an easy way to get people to notice you and to discover great new digiscrapping blogs. Not familiar with blog carnivals? Think of...