In My Office | Vacation Album

In My Studio is a new series highlighting projects I’m working on and will replace the Weekly Recap on Fridays. We spent last week in northern Michigan, enjoying our third consecutive year renting the same house. It was a much-needed retreat for our family....

Scrapbooking While On Vacation

  For this year’s family vacation, we decided to return to the same rental house on the same lake as last year. Since I had not quite finished with my album from the 2010 trip, I decided to tote along a selection of supplies. I couldn’t imagine a...

Tips for scrapping big vacations

We all dream of those getaways to fun, interesting and/or exotic locations. You pack the camera, or several, and snap away at the scenery and your family. A week (or more) later you return with a thousand (or more) photos. Eek! What is a scrapper to do? OK, back to...