The Simple Way to Get Freebies

Scrapbooking Supplies

Yesterday’s post introduced freebies and offered a few reason to take advantage of them. It also mentioned that there are many blogs, shops, forums and other locations to obtain free digiscrap supplies. Wandering across the web can overwhelm even the most eager new digiscrapper. It is very tempting to roam for hours, scavenging like a freegan. Fortunately, there are some simple steps to simply your life and squelch that hoarding urge.

  1. Get Involved – Start posting your layouts to an open gallery or participate in a forum. Gotta Pixel is a great place for beginners. Engage with the community and you’ll find that freebies seem to find you!
  2. Subscribe to a great freebie blog – While there are many, IKEAGoddess is often touted as the best of the best. In fact, I rarely look for any freebies beyond her daily dose of recommendations.

Added Bonus: By slowly adding to your supply stash, you will have more time to save up for that all-important 500GB or 1TB external harddrive!

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  1. Mouse

    Good tips! :o)
    Freebies are a great way to try out new designers. But always remember to be picky about it. Only get the freebies that you know you will use, or else you’ll go to clean up your hard-drive and come across several gig of stuff you haven’t and will never use LOL
    And you head on over to my blog this month, there is a freebie every day until Christmas ;o) (shameless self-promotion LOL)

    Mouse’s last blog post..On the 9th Day of December….

  2. Melissa

    Great tips, you can often get wonderful frrebies but it’s worth making sure that they’re something you will use.

    Melissa’s last blog post..Ladybird: Hot LO @ ES

  3. Jennifer W.

    That’s a great point ladies. I’d estimate that I only download a quarter of the freebies I find. I’m pretty finicky about design style and quality.

    Jennifer W.’s last blog post..Hurry! Act Now! Don’t Wait!


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