Simplicity 101 for creative people

Productivity Advice

This is a re-post of an article I wrote for Creative Bliss.

“Simplify” reads the wall hangings in many of our homes. But what does that really mean? To crafty gals with many creative outlets, the answer can be even more tricky.

You want to explore your many passions to the fullest. Maybe you also dream of doing it full time or you already are! But you are pulled in many directions – by your art, your family, by friends and other work. How do you balance it all?

This is where simplicity comes into play. It doesn’t mean giving up what you love or becoming a minimalist. It’s all about finding the balance that is right for you; your own comfort zone of having it all, including peace and happiness.

Simplicity gurus often tout decluttering as a critical step on the path. Yes, creative people have stuff too. Stuff that takes up space and time to manage it all. However, this is not as straightforward for those who relish in creating something from nothing.

Organization may not be the answer, if your question is “how can I find more time for what I love?” Instead there are relatively easy steps you can take to get from A to Z.

  1. Minimize distractions – When you are creating, only do that. Close out your email and put your phone on silent. Ask for some undivided “me” time from your family, if you can. Be present in your work and your productivity will soar.
  2. Accept your UFOs – We all have those unfinished objects (UFOs) hanging over our heads, preventing forward thinking. “Oh, I can’t start that project because I haven’t finish X.” Accept reality and move on to a project you love.
  3. Don’t overcommit – Be realistic in the expectations you place on yourself to finish projects for sale or gifts. Take a step back and scale your efforts to a level that will leave you with time to rest, relax and refresh.
  4. Know your stuff – It doesn’t take a complex organizational scheme or weekend-long purging to know your stash. However, you should get it together enough to know what you have and what you need. This will save both time and cash.
  5. Choose wisely – Do you find yourself saying “I never have time to create”? Can you make difference choices in your habits that will open up time? Maybe move your workout to the morning or Tivo your favorite show to watch on the weekend?

A college professor once told me to “find out what you care about and live a life that shows it.” Focusing on simplicity in your craft can help you become more authentic in everything you do!

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.

1 Comment

  1. Christine (supertwinkle)

    Jennifer I LOVE this article! I can relate to it so well. Since I’ve moved my running and workouts to the morning, I can devote night time to blogging and scrapping without feeling guilty. Love your insights!

    Christine (supertwinkle)’s last blog post..Year of the Ox



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