Do you need a DSLR?

Digital Photography Tips

This is a question I’ve asked myself again and again. I imagine I am not alone. With prices approaching higher end point and shoot cameras, it becomes easy to wonder what all the fuss is about. Let’s take today to discuss the issue.

Digital SLR cameras can offer improved image quality, but they are generally larger, more expensive and require deeper understanding to operate with ease. With advancements in point and shoot cameras, including larger sensors and optical image stabilization, the discussion easily comes down to a long list of pros and cons.

Do you want a camera that fits in your pocket or do you want amazing no-flash indoor shots of your active kids? It comes down to what YOU find important in a camera.

So tell me, do you want a DSLR? Do you already own one? What are the deciding factors in YOUR opinion?


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  1. Miriam

    I love my DSLR, it gives me so much more control all aspects of the picture. With the options of buying different lenses you can use higher quality glass if you need even more quality. In terms of function I find that most DSLRs have enough automatic functions now that even the most camera illiterate can operate the camera and get excellent pictures (I’ve been shooting with an SLR since I was 9 so I use my mother as an example). My husband has a point and shoot (to my lower end DSLR) and he’s always impressed by the difference in quality on my DSLR.

    Mind you, when I just want to have a camera to bring around in case something worth photographing happens, I prefer a small point and shoot. Showing up with a DSLR makes it look like you mean business. People may mock you for being a “real photographer”.

    For most people taking pictures of their kids in daily life, I think a regular point and shoot camera will do. Even inexpensive point and shoot digital seem to be at a level that offers quality pictures up to a 8×10 size. With all the stuff people already have to drag around for their kids, do you really want to show up to the park with a large noticeable camera (unless you are friends with other parents already at the park this can also make parent/babysitters uncomfortable). But I love my DSLR for portraiture, nature shots, macros etc. I just wish it was smaller.

    Miriam’s last blog post..Art Journal

  2. Rebecca

    After going through countless point and shots and not getting the quality of the photos I want, I made the jump for DSLR and am NEVER looking back. I just got it a few months ago and still haven’t figure it all out, my photos are 10000000000000% better and my husband has stop hearing me say repeatedly, I HATE MY CAMERA! Now… I LOVE MY CAMERA!!! However, I do still carry around the point and shoot or the camera phone for the “I wish I had a camera” moments.

  3. KarenB

    I’m on the fence… I have an old Canon S40 4-megapixel camera and a new Canon SX10 IS camera with a 20x zoom lens. Both are point and shoot. For me, the cost of the DSLR and all the accessories is prohibitive. I’m doing a 365 photo challenge in 2009 and finding that I can get great photos from the point-and-shoots if I learn how to use all the settings and take care in composing the photo. I’d love a DSLR for the quality, but I also like the quick grab-and-go convenience of the point-and-shoot.

    KarenB’s last blog post..Photo #86 – 35 Bridges or Tunnels


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