Highlighting products for memory keeping

by | Scrapbooking Supplies | 2 comments

Let’s try a collaborative product review again! This time around, let’s talk about tutorials and digital supplies to help you with journaling. Aud’s self-paced classes are a great way to jump start your storytelling and Ali Edwards is known for her handwritten journaling blocks.


So, let’s get started. What journaling supplies do you rely upon to keep your memory keeping on track? Do you have any non-digital tricks for capturing your stories before scrapping them?

Share with us, if you will! To participate, share a link or your tip in the comments!

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  1. photojenic

    I use Katie the Scrapbook Lady’s journaling prompts “Amazing Month of Memories.” She’s retiring them soon (w/in just days I think) and they’ll be gone. Right now you can get the whole year set for only $12. http://www.ndisb.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4298

    I also like this website: http://oneminutewriter.blogspot.com/
    They are directly scrap related, but I do like the “assignment” aspect. You you never know, a good layout story might appear. πŸ™‚

    This isn’t scrap related exactly either, but we have a game at home that I absolutely LOVE. It’s called “Life Stories.” It’s non-competitive, because it’s all about sharing stories, thoughts and dreams. We’ve had fun playing it with friends and family, and always learn new things about each other. If you could find some way to capture the family stories they could be used on layouts.

  2. Jennifer

    Thanks for leaving these fantastic tips – I love finding new ways to make journaling easier.


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