Pardon me, do you have any blogs?

Scrapbooking Ideas


When you boil it down, there are really two kinds of blogs. 1.) Blogs, like Simple Scrapper, that are designed to teach you something and 2.) Personal blogs.

While there are some personal blogs that attain quite the fan base (think Dooce), most bloggers simply want to share photos and stories with family, friends and a select group of devoted strangers with shared interests.

I think we all can name our favorites in the former category and perhaps some would overlap. However, when it comes to personal blogs – complete gems are hiding in many of your readers. Think of blogs where you love the stories, the photos and especially, the scrapping.

So tell me, do you have a blog? And also, whose blog is one of your faves? Please share URLs! This post is an opportunity to spread the linky love far and wide within the digi-verse!

While we’re talking bloggy, I wanted to share this great e-book on blogging for creative people (not an affiliate link) by Sister Diane, the fabulous host of the CraftyPod podcast.

I’ll also add that yes, I have another blog, called Midwest Neurotica. I post there sporadically, mostly sharing recipes and photos.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Robin

    I have a blog. It’s a personal blog just to keep in touch with friends and family. A few people read it, and even fewer ever comment. But I enjoy it. Oh, and I post my scrapbooking layouts occasionally.

  2. Brittany

    I have two blogs, a scrapping blog and a personal blog.
    I never want to clutter up my scrapping blog with ramblings about my daily life, as I know those readers are there to read about my new products, sales, freebies, etc. That’s why I created a personal blog to ramble away on. But sometimes they do cross over and scrapping ends up on the personal one 😉

    My scrapping blog:
    My personal blog:

    I love Ali Edwards blog for scrapping, but I do read a range of others like:
    – Dollar Store Crafts:
    – Beneath it All:
    – One Pretty Thing:
    – Dooce:
    – Bakerella:

  3. Sarah

    Yes! I have a blog, and it is a mix of personal and crafting. Some about my life, some about mini scrapbooks, big scrapbooks, crafty things I make for my home. My favorite blog is Elise Blaha’s blog — Every morning she is my favorite read. Always inspiring.

  4. Jenn White

    We try to give people content like you do – interesting and useful. We also try to share a little of our lives. That may annoy some people, but I don’t want to have a sterile ‘content’ blog, it’s the people that make the scrap industry so fun!

    I hope nobody has missed out on reading Andi at, she’s always good for a laugh.

    Barb, at Black Belt Scrapping always has wonderful photos to inspire me to shoot more… Read More

    And I love seeing Misty Cato’s kids grow in her layouts (not to mention keeping up with her sales and stuff)

  5. Dawn

    I have a blog that I am supposed to be keeping up for my daughter, and which I am failing miserably at doing. I post about once a month or so, lol.

    And my all time favorite blog is the Creative Junkie. Read with caution…you will find yourself spewing whatever it is you are drinking all over your screen while reading. Andrea is laugh out loud funny and always makes me laugh. You can find it here:

  6. christie

    Hiya! I have a blog. My name is linked or you can click here as well.
    It’s a personal blog, also share scrap layouts, project 365 photos, you name it!

    My husband and I have a separate blog too at Thanks for looking! I am going to go check out some of these other blog links, now!!!

  7. Stan

    Wouldn’t you know it- the DW beat me to it! Well of course stop bu our blog at for our classes, tip and tricks to make you a better digiscrapper.

    I follow: – community website for everything digiscrapping related – blog/site about web design, photoshop. lots of good freebies for digiscrappers – blog/site about everything we need and use in this digital age. not specifically scrapbook related

  8. kelleighr

    I have a blog that is SUPPOSED to be for my designer/business stuff, but I can’t help but sneak in a bit of personal stuff and decorating fun! I can’t imagine trying to keep up with more than one blog. I’d never post!

    I follow WAY too many blogs, like:
    The Nesting Place
    The Lettered Cottage
    A Soft Place to Land
    The Daily Digi
    . . .

  9. Canay

    I have a blog at

    It is mostly for scrapping friends. But I throw some recipes and other tidbits in from time to time.

    I like to follow Pioneer Woman, Cathy Zielske, Stacy Julian, and Kathi’s Project Blog

    • Jennifer

      Great service to the community you have here – thanks Hummie!


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