What’s New for September

by | Announcements, Sponsors & Giveaways | 5 comments

Did the Fall weather hit you yet? It certainly has visited us here – cooler temps, blue skies, sunshine – the perfect weather for getting outside and then curling up on the couch with a good book (or a laptop!). As you settle in to your new routine, I wanted to give you a few things to think about.

1. What’s your story?
As I was preparing to take advantage of the scrappingsimply.com semi-annual sale, I took a good hard look at my layouts. Early in 2009, I got into a comment/email discussion with Janet of The Daily Digi about the value of journaling (link to her original post). Here’s what I said:

I disagree that a scrapper who doesn’t do much journaling on the page doesn’t want to leave a legacy. For one, the photos tell a lot of stories by themselves. Also, you’re forgetting about the word-of-mouth stories you tell about each picture every time you sit down with someone to look at your album. I don’t believe a page without journaling is any less of a preserved memory.

And an excerpt of her email response to me:

It wasn’t my intention to say that a legacy isn’t being left on pages without journaling, but that there needs to be a balance.  I know that I have really enjoyed looking through my grandmothers photos albums but honestly, I have no idea who the other people in the pictures are, what they are doing, etc.

As I had to make decisions on which layouts I would print and which were better left in digital form, I remembered this conversation and realized that Janet’s point was spot on. Sure, there is plenty of room for digital artwork, showcasing beautiful family photos in creative ways. However, those aren’t (for the most part) the layouts I want to put in my albums. Even just a line of journaling with the event and the date is vital to putting each treasured page into the context of my life. I want my kids and grandkids to be able to say “Wow, that was a long time ago!”, not “I wonder when this was taken.” Thanks Janet!

2. People made simple
Several months ago, I hosted a small focus group to help guide some next steps for Simple Scrapper. One of the comments I heard again and again was the need for designer interviews, but of course, not in the traditional sense. Readers want to hear more from the experts about their time-, money- and sanity-saving tips for memory keeping. Starting this month, I’m going to do just that. With Interviews Made Simple, you’ll discover some of the best secrets from the industry icons you love. Stay tuned!

3. Let’s say thanks
I feel so very fortunate to have designers, shop owners and sites who choose to support my writing here at Simple Scrapper. They are what make it possible for me to spend time with you each day! Please thank them by visiting their links to see what’s new.

4. Baby, I’m yours!
I am relishing in getting life back in order and feeling the calm that routine offers. It’s a great nesting feeling, especially in my online life, and the benefits are all yours! I’m busy planning out the next few months of no-fuss tips for a busy life. So tell me, what do you want to see more or less of here at Simple Scrapper?

Did you find this post helpful?

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  1. butterflygypsy

    i just wanted to say that i also agree that there should be some journaling on your layouts.

    my things is that i am not very good at it, or at least that is how i often feel. most of the time i don’t think what i am writing feels natural or flows. but i do know that i put more journaling on my layouts now then when i was paper scrapping. i never really liked my handwriting so computer journaling appeals to me. and it is so much easier to correct mistakes that i make. when i was paper scrapping i would often journal on the back of the layout or on a seperate piece of paper and attach it to the back. i still do this with my digital layouts. that way pesonal stories were still personal but were there if needed (see below)

    the flip side is 2-fold in my case. i don’t want some things known by the ladies (men) that are seeing my layouts in the galleries (on the internet); some stories are too personal (see above). the other thing is I really do some (probably most) of my layouts just to print and hang on my walls, or to give as gifts to be framed and hung on the wall. so on those layouts i don’t want a lot of journaling. maybe names, or the date and place, or the title.

    also i just want to say that I LOVE simple scrapper and appreciate all the hard work you have put into the site! i come here daily just to look around and read things. and i almost always find something new! so thank you so much!

  2. Janet

    Glad I was able to help you see the other side of the issue. And obviously, not every page needs paragraphs of writing but if your great grandkids can look at the page and have a vague idea of what it is about, then you have truly preserved a memory for generations to come.

  3. Jenn White

    1. I’m with Janet. And you. But mostly Janet. I have forgotten more than I remember about things. Already I pull out photos from my teenagers’ toddler play groups and don’t remember names, or which park was that, or was that the time you got hit in the mouth with a stick? And I print my books on 200 year archival paper, so I hope someone will be enjoying them long after I’m there to tell the story. That said, it doesn’t require tons of journaling, but dates, names, places, and a little explanation can go a long way to unlocking even more memories.

    2. I’m afraid that when I was designing, I didn’t scrap. Not hardly at all. No time. So I’m not expecting a whole lot of how to tell your story tips from designers. I hope you can search out some great scrappers who not only do great art, but manage to tell a story completely, from different perspectives, or in a manner that is inspiring.

    3. You’re welcome. We support you because we think you are doing a GREAT job. In an industry where most blogs are either “look what I did” or “buy this, buy this” (both of which have their place), it’s refreshing to have food for thought and a place to discuss these things!

    4. I love seeing layouts that are creative – and commentary on what makes them unique, or interesting. Like – “look how the ribbon is woven through the letters of the title, great idea to tie it together and give it some softness”. Maybe more principles of design stuff – color theory, visual weight, etc. Let me know if you’d like a guest post on that kind of topic!

    Keep up the good work, somehow the laundry, dishes and groceries will get done. (Usually by hungry naked family members).
    Jenn White

    • Jennifer

      Thanks for your comments Jenn. Your ideas are definitely in the vein of where I want to go. I realized that it would be even more helpful to explain why I love a layout when I share it – and to pinpoint action items scrappers can use on their own.

      Of course, I would definitely welcome a guest post on design theory. I think we all tend to know that something isn’t right with a page design, but may not really know why or how to fix it.

  4. littlekiwi

    Vinnie Pearce (Owner & designer of Pixel Canvas) would be great to write the guest post on design theory – I have her book that she published earlier in the year & it is certainly a design class in a book


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