Ideas for handmade cards

Scrapbooking Ideas

Did someone switch the calendar on me? I sure had a case of the Mondays today – totally one of those days where I shouldn’t have come out from the covers. If you had a day like mine, perhaps some of these beautiful cards will give you inspiration for a crafty weekend!








Use these cards to boost your creative juices as you help heroes write home for Scrappers Give Thanks. Have you checked out our amazing list of prizes? The odds are good that you’ll win something really cool. One card = one entry!

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1 Comment

  1. Jenn White

    Well, I got as far as finding my card blanks today! I found two packs, so I’ll be sending you more cards than I thought. Hopefully will actually MAKE something tomorrow!!

    Hope tomorrow is a better day for you – I had an exhausting but fun day today, ending with a pile of kids and a pinata. Nothing more fun than candy raining from heaven!


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