Two weeks ago, I offered a sneak peak at a brand new Simple Scrapper-style holiday work-along project. Well, it’s now time for you to Capture the Season. Simplify your holidays by joining us for six weeks of guided no-fuss memory keeping.

We’ll help make each assignment super-easy by sharing simple tips for productivity, photography and journaling all week long. Follow along and let us help you squeeze every ounce of joy and sparkle from the season.

Get started by downloading the PDF workbook, so you know what to expect each week. Then, decide how you want to record your stories, in your own handwriting or electronically. Jump right in with this week’s assignment, which I’ve included below.

This week’s assignment:
The cornucopia is an ancient symbol of abundance and is a common image around the time of Thanksgiving. Share what is in your personal cornucopia basket this year with at least 4 photos of what is important in your life. Use a list format to detail all the goodness that fills your life with joy and love.

This week’s template:


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Will you join us in documenting this holiday season? It’s never been easier to be a stress-free memory keeper!

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Lisa

    What a great series! I am so looking forward to your posts throughout the holiday season. I’m already really inspired by the first template, can’t wait to see what’s to come!

  2. Susan

    I love this idea and I’m ready to play along. Thanks for supporting materials.

  3. Justasiam

    Would you consider also providing a 8.5 x 11 size template?

  4. Dana

    Beautiful tempalte – thank you so much.

  5. Nani

    I’m so glad I stumbled on this site in time to play along! What a fabulous idea!! Thanks so much for doing this! πŸ™‚

  6. Cherbear

    Thank you for the template!

  7. Edna B

    Nani sent me here, and I am so happy to join in. Thank you so much.

  8. Yaneri -ScrapyCrafter-

    I’m so happy to have found your blog. You’ve inspired me so much to try digital scrapbooking. Looking forward to doing some of your templates to help guide me.


  9. Nani

    Just a question. The assignmet doesn’t say we have to use the template. Is the template optional for the finished layout?

    • Jennifer

      Using Simple Scrapper’s templates, others or none at all is completely optional. There are no rules or requirements – do what works for you.

      Also, keep in mind that we’re encouraging everyone to plan their scrapping via the assignments, but not to scrap until January.

  10. Amber

    Lovely template! Thank you!



  1. The Sunday Post: Organzing your Holiday | polkadotplum - [...] alike, who swear by this class.  I haven’t taken it yet, but it looks absolutely amazing. Capture the Season…
  2. Capture the Season: 6 Weeks in Review - [...] – Capture the Season: Week 1 11/28 – Essential supplies for holiday memory keeping 11/29 – Seasonal finds for…

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