More goodies to kick off NSD

by | Sponsors & Giveaways | 31 comments

The big party at Simple Scrapper continues with a giveaway from this month’s exclusive feed sponsor, Design House Digital. Like many other shops, DHD will have sales and special events all weekend!

They have a brand new kit You and Me designed by some of the great designers at DHD: Jen Allyson, Carina Gardner, Deena Rutter, Sara Schmutz, and Audrey Neal. It includes 10 patterned papers, 10 textured solid papers, and 11 adorable coordinating elements.

One winner of today’s giveaway will receive a $15 gift certificate to Design House Digital and this kit. As a bonus, a second winner will also receive this kit!

Make sure to check out DHD’s new releases each and every Thursday, when they’re 30% off! DHD makes it easy for you to connect and be in-the-know about new products and special events!

To enter the giveaway, share one thing you’re doing to get organized for NSD by noon on Friday, April 30.

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  1. tzigane

    one thing i am doing is using the organizer sheets from Log Your Memory and Simple Scrapper (thank you so much for these!! and the tips last night). i have also set up my wish lists at the stores i am going to shop, have picked out my pics and made a list of some items i need for those layouts!

    i can’t wait to get started!

  2. Leeann H

    I’m using the organizer sheets and writing down stores and their discounts. I’m also filling my wish lists.

  3. Tiffany

    Well, I don’t have too much planned, so I don’t feel like I really need to get organized for it. But I’ve been making a short list of kits that I’ve had on my mental wishlist for a while, and likely I can get them at sale prices this weekend.

  4. Tami

    I’m trying not to spend a lot, so I went through what I already own (and was surprised by the neat things I already have) then updated (edited) my wish lists at my favorite shops.

  5. Lisa S.

    I’m actually delaying my celebration by one week. Next weekend I’m going to a scrapbook retreat. Can’t wait!! To get ready I’ve printed 300 pictures!

  6. Ang

    Wish lists, wish lists and wish lists! Oh, and some self control! LOL

  7. tchrtiff

    I’m going to my favorite digital websites to check out their sales and will probably buy a few things that I have on my wish lists.

  8. Barbara

    I’d love to have all my family photos that I just uploaded on to my computer all tagged. Huge job…

  9. Jenn L

    Lovely kit! It’s becoming so easy to get overwhelmed – even before the official day! I am definitely going to print off those sheets you provided to try and keep me a bit organized. I’m also keeping track of wishlist items in my Kaboodle.

  10. Lori F

    getting rid of kits I don’t use anymore … freeing up space for all the stuff i’m gonna buy!!!! πŸ™‚

  11. stamphappy2001

    I am working on getting all my photos uploaded so they are ready to go.

  12. kristin t

    I am working on culling out old stuff that I no longer use/want. Sheesh! I’ll be SO glad when I’m finished. πŸ™‚

  13. Amy Lee

    I have been going through and deleting files I don’t need to make more space on my hard drive for more goodies. I have also been working on a list of kits I have been eying and trying to narrow my list down so that I can stick to a reasonable budget. Thanks for the chance to win this super cute kit from DHD!!!

  14. Tara

    Buying fewer latte’s this week to save up….lol. πŸ˜‰

  15. Rhadonda

    I am crying because i have to be gone half the day that is what i am doing. But will be home in the afternoon so i am writing down chats to try to be a part of and sales and freebies too. Thanks!

  16. Michelle Huegel

    I am using Evernote to make lists of sales and events I don’t want to miss! And rummaging around in the budget for spare change… lol!

  17. Amy

    I’m going to use the organizer sheets from Log Your Memory and Simple Scrapper. I’m also bookmarking all my favorite scrapbooking sites so I don’t miss out!!

  18. cherylzyx

    I’m browsing stores and creating wish lists to make shopping easier this weekend.

  19. Vicki

    I’m going go complete the Smart Scrapper’s NSD Planner. Thanks for this awesome tool!

  20. Melinda Wilson

    Thanks for the opp for the great goodies. I plan of scrapping early but have a party to attending in the afternoon.

  21. Rachel L

    I am putting groups of photos that I want to scrap on blank 8×8 pages ahead of time, so all I have to do is pick the pretty papers. And this new kit sure is pretty!

  22. Nickolette

    Trying to organize my time! Hubby is away so I have to have my two small boys involved in something to free up a little scrap time! Plus, there’s always after their bedtime! That’s probably when I will peruse and purchase!

  23. Melissa rhodes

    i am setting up wishlists too and getting things organized on the computer to go fast!

  24. kim

    I am working on getting my external in better shape file/folder wise.

  25. Candice S. in Colorado

    Well, it’s been crazy around here for me…. Today was my birthday and I had a lot going on, BUT, I did take some time to clear off a lot of items from my EHD that were downloaded when I first began my digital craze. You know, like all the freebie items that I have never used, etc. It feels good to have almost 50 gigs of space back on my EHD!!! I have a 500 gig EHD and then a I tb EHD and I think I am going to transfer all of my “paid purchases” over to the newer EHD. Therefore, they’re in two places.

    What a fabulous giveaway! I have really become a big fan of DHD’s!!! And this would be such a great birthday gift, so pardon me for REALLY wishing that I win! πŸ™‚

  26. Carole N.

    I have been purging old out-dated kits on my computer, unzipping and organizing recent downloads, and praying for a windfall. LOL

    The kit is gorgeous and I would love to be the winner.

    Thanks for a chance to have some fun during the celebration.


  27. Diane B

    I’ve made my wishlists and marked the sales, so I’ll know where to shop!

  28. KathyT

    Another great giveaway, Jennifer! I have 2 girls, that kit would be perfect πŸ™‚ One thing I’ve done is make sure I have extra ink for my printers!! Other than that, I’m ready to go πŸ™‚

  29. Jennifer

    I am going through all of my digital kits and organizing them so I can see what each folder contains so I can scrap more efficiently this weekend!!

  30. debbi g.

    writing everything down


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