The party starts with a giveaway!

by | Sponsors & Giveaways | 94 comments

Don’t most parties involve presents? I certainly enjoy the ones that do! Let’s kick off the iNSD celebration with a fun giveaway from ErinInk.

Erin’s products have popped up in our new release highlights posts because of her clean and fresh design style. Today, we’re excited to give away Erin’s Scrap Fresh Collection #1: Pamper Yourself! This collection comes with a full kit, several add-ons, a template and a 10% off coupon for your next ErinInk purchase.

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment answering the following question by noon Eastern on Thursday, April 29: what is your favorite color combination? (Mine is aqua & red-orange!)

Don’t forget our super fun Get Organized for NSD chat will be tonight at 10pm Eastern! Please RSVP on Facebook so that we can make sure there is enough (virtual) chocolate to go around!

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  1. Gram JAK

    Can’t believe that I’m first comment! I currently love Hot Pink and Lime Green. (but I am fickle and love aqua and brown, red and aqua, black and white, etc.) Paper is my true passion!

  2. Kristin Rutten

    Cute kit from Erin! My fave color combo changes all the time… right now it’s probably lime & some shade of blue… LOL

  3. vixen

    my summertime fav is turquoise and coral, on pearly white
    (guess I’ll dig out my summer jewelry now)

    fabulous collection, thanks for the opportunity!

  4. SparrowApril

    Nothing makes me so happy as blue and green together.
    I think it has something to do with growing things & sky, & water.

  5. Cindy Jackson

    Love Erin Ink!!! especial some of her templates. I love color so it is really hard to pick but I always seem to come back to blue and sand combination. This kit would be so great for an OBX vacation album I have planned. I hope it is me!

  6. Sara

    teal/kraft/pink. I’m weird, I know.

  7. Barbara

    i am loving yellow and gray lately. But, I’m still liking brown and aqua. And, lime and pink… Oh, don’t make me choose!

  8. KathyT

    Oh awesome giveaway – love that kit! Mine is aqua and red too at the moment, can’t get enough of it. I also love grey and yellow, lovely πŸ™‚

  9. Laura

    Right now, I’m all about red and gray!

  10. Tami

    I’m happy with almost any color combo as long as I have some shade of brown kraft background. I tend to favor the cooler colors – blues, greens and purples make me smile!

  11. Debbie

    I love aqua and orange also.

  12. Gail

    Lime green with kraft are current favs, but I’d never pass up red either.

  13. Melinda Wilson

    My favorite color combo is blues and greens.

  14. Karyn A.

    Lately I’ve been on a monochromatic kick….various shades of blues or greens. When I need help with a color scheme though I visit – it is an awesome little tool.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  15. Mary Ellen

    Currently I am digging pink and brown together.

  16. Shelley W.

    I have a difficult time choosing favorites! I like pink/brown, pink/green, green/brown, and black/white (with just a splash of a bright color).

  17. Lori P.

    My favorite is soft yellow and brick red!

  18. Jenn L

    Oh that’s funny, I just asked the same question on my blog yesterday. πŸ˜‰ But I didn’t answer it myself, so…. lately I am loving black, white and an ocean blue. πŸ™‚

    I love love love these new designs by Erin! So fresh and fun. Hope I am lucky enough to win!

  19. Leah

    My new favorite color combo is teal blue and chocolate brown. Love those two colors together.

  20. Jackie Hurley

    My favorite color combo is not new or daring. I just love pale colors with some brights thown in occasionally. My favorite is Pale Yellow with Whte and with some Pale Blue.

  21. Crystal

    I LOVE turquoise and red! But any bright color makes me happy πŸ™‚

  22. Raewyn A

    lately the spring pastels have been my favourite or brown and teal but I have loved the autumn hues for like FOREVER! lol

  23. Diane

    WOW…what a hard question…can I list about one hundred??? LOL Let’s see, we have a new grandbaby coming and her room is baby pink and chocolate brown. I have been using that color an awful lot lately so I think for now, I will go with that!!! Thank you for this lovely giveaway!!!

  24. Ang

    WOW that is one awesome giveaway, would LOVE to win that!! πŸ™‚

    All time, purples & greens. Purple has always been my fav color and ever since I did a bathroom in purple & green (15 years ago) I have loved the combo. In fact, my current bathroom is purple & green too. LOL

    Chocolate brown and pink always catches my eye.

  25. Heather

    My favorite color combo is teal and chocolate brown.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. Sarah

    My favorite color combo is spring green and rich, dark chocolate! A close second is a milky red with mocha brown, or bright tangerine and spring green.

  27. Carrie

    Chocolate brown with a light turquoise is always my fave!

  28. kristin t

    I’m ridin’ the lime train myself! lime and white are my current faves, but last week I was loving lime and lavender! πŸ™‚

  29. Jen

    My favorite color combos are boy colors. And I’ve noticed – without even meaning to – I’ve been doing a lot of brown & green layouts with touches of orange, yellow, blue, teal – and a bunch others. But the brown and green seems to be the most popular πŸ™‚ Thank you for the chance!!!! πŸ˜€

  30. Lindsey

    lime green and blue

  31. DanaS

    I love shades of blue with shades of brown.

  32. Carolyn

    I love the beach so favorite colors are beachy, aqua and sand colors. By the way our sand is bright white.

  33. 52scrap

    Thanks for the chance to win! I love the blue and brown together!

  34. Sherry G

    Orange and blue is my favorite color combo.

  35. Jackie

    My favorite color combo is lime green, black, and white! Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. Katie

    Mine is brown and various shades of pink/mauve…for now.

  37. Antje

    I love purple, but still my favorite color combination is brown/pink!!

  38. tamara

    What a fun giveaway! Beautiful line!
    My favorite color combo right now (almost summer!) is a mix of citrus colors (bright yellow/mango/lime/fuscia) with tuquoise thrown in for good measure.

  39. Kathy

    My favorite color combo is purple and green.

  40. Christelle

    Mine is brown & pink. Thanks!

  41. Kendall

    Cute kit! I LOVE color, so it’s impossible to choose just one color combo! ONE of my favorites is brown/pink. Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. Maryanne @ Scrappy Gifts

    My favorites are really any shades of blue, green and red together.
    I’ll try and remember to come to the NSD chat!

  43. tzigane

    not sure i have a favorite color combination. but my favorite colors to use are earth tones. muted shades of maroon, black, white, browns, grays, deeper, muted greens, deep blues. i tend to stay away from bright colors but have used them.

  44. Shana

    My favorite color combo is green and purple…not sure why but they get my senses going…

  45. Mollyscraps

    This is so girly and I wasn’t even like this when I was little but….

    Purple and Pink

  46. Jen Evang

    Thanks for the fun! Right now, my favorite combo is hot pink and orange. Summery, right?

  47. Paula

    My favorite is a dark/lime green, black & white. So crisp, fresh & clean.

  48. cherylzyx

    Hmm, right now my favorite color combo is turquoise and brown. It is so hard to chose just one though.

  49. Carrie

    I love lots of different color combos but right now my favorite is brown, turquoise and dark green. Love those colors together!

    Thanks for the chance!

  50. Laura

    My favorite color combo is bright turquoise and lime green, with bright purple and orange accents. It’s just so cheery and bright! Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. mskinsey

    Great kit! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win it, too!

    My whole life is about color, and I love brights, brights, brights: red hot reds, eye-popping yellows, luscious lime greens, soothing marine blues, terrific teals, deep browns, rich purples, midnight blacks, and more.

    Favorite all-time combination: Teal and Tangerine … YUMMY!

    New color interest: Baby soft pastels, thanks to Kerrigan Rose, my new granddaughter! So sweet!

  52. flowersgal

    Thanks for an opportunity to win.

    I tend toward neutrals as my favorites as photos seem to look better on them and there is no distraction. One combo that I really like is grey and yellow — a bit of neutral, a bit of golden — what a great combination!

  53. Jennifer C

    Brown, blue, green and orange. love all brights!

  54. Cheryl aka cherpea

    blue and green … in all shades too

  55. Heaney

    pink & white

  56. EBPitcher

    Blue and chocolate brown is my favorite these days! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  57. Stacia

    Ooh, that’s a tough love. I love so many color combinations! Maybe you should ask which one we particularly don’t like? πŸ˜€

    Right now, today, my favorite is silver and blue.

  58. Tracie

    What an adorable kit.

    My favorite color combo has to be black, white and ice blue. I love how crisp it all is.

  59. Sondra

    I love turquoise and orange…actually any combo with turquoise is my favorite.

  60. Cara s

    Lately my favorite combo seems to be kraft + any other color, especially something bright like aqua or orange.

  61. Pam

    Gorgeous kit! I think I’m anxious for summer to be here — this week I’m particularly drawn toward bright colors (dark pink and orange). πŸ™‚

  62. Kelly Massman

    My favorite color combos are pink/chocolate and green/yellow (sorry I had to pick two)!

  63. Vicki

    My favorite color scheme is pink and green.

  64. BeckyR

    I love all shades of blue and green.

  65. Alison

    Recently I’ve fallen in love with yellow and grey, maybe with a little black or some turquoise thrown in.

  66. Lori

    My favorite color combination is blue and brown!

  67. Laurie

    I’m so excited about iNSD! Always a fun-filled time! Thanks for the great giveaway. My favorite color combo (of the moment) would have to be red/teal/white…yummy! πŸ˜€

  68. Kiki Halbert

    Personally I’m a sucker for white pink and black in a kit. Don’t know why, but it seems so classic! That or teal and brown. LOVE that!

  69. alisa

    hmmm…I’m loving grey and green right now….but that changes on a weekly basis!! Thanks for a chance to win!!

  70. Melissa Rhodes

    I love green yellow red and brown!

  71. Elizabeth

    I love baby blue and brown!

  72. Priya

    My fav is Red and Black…..thanks for the chance……….

  73. Jennifer

    I tend to lean toward masculine kits since I scrap mostly boys so alot of the kits I buy have blues in them. Blue and orange or blue and green. Stuff like that tends to be what I lean towards!


  74. rags

    I just love shades of green and orange together – yummy! Gets my attention every time! But I have to say there are so many gorgeous colours being used in the designs out there that my “taste” has been blown wide open! Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway – fabulous kit!

  75. Jen

    Blue and orange!

  76. Karen G

    I absolutely love blue and orange. Any shade or tones. I have boys and it works with so many things I want to scrap about them.

  77. Melissa

    I love gray-blue, brown, and barn red.

  78. Emma

    My favourite colour combination is blue/black/white and green.

  79. kim

    Love lime green + black

  80. Pam Nutting

    Teal & pink – love it!

  81. Kim Kerr

    What an awesome kit!

    My favorite combination right now is lavendar, frog green and fuschia. I know…sounds kind of weird, but you should see it on my daughter’s bedroom walls. I love it!!!

  82. monda

    purple and aqua – just love the serenity it projects. Thanks for the chance on a great kit!

  83. Jenn W

    I’m a blue-green sort of girl!!

  84. Rebecca

    My favorite color combo is torn between two. For furniture and and bedding lately I’m drawn towards the chocolate brown and teal/aqua combination. For the calm feelings I need daily (life is a little stressful right now) it has to be the steel gray blue of the ocean in Maine against a light blue sunlit sky. Of course being able to feel the sand beneath your feet really helps too. πŸ™‚

  85. Terry

    I think my favorite is teal, raspberry, gold all set on a background of black….think Amish…..very striking.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win

  86. Karen

    My favorite colors are the Blues & Brown tones with maybe some fun pink shades! I also like the worn & grubbie feel with lots of textures.

  87. Katie

    Aqua, purple, and pink…I’m a girly girlÒ˜º

  88. Nickolette

    I’ve learned to go with the colors that continually turn my head and make me feel good…Turquoise/Bright Orange/Summer Grass Green…solid and vibrant…they are the colors that also keep turning up in my closet!

  89. anna

    oranges and browns

  90. Colleen

    Favorite combinations…..more than one, but green and yellow are a favorite of mine. Thanks for the chance to win!

  91. Danielle Hunter

    I love anything blue!! Blue and brown are great together. I also like black and white with a pop of red. Pink and brown too.

  92. Denise

    That’s a tough question! There are so many great combinations out there! I guess my favorite would have to be bright yellow, bright red, bright orange, and bright green. I just love bright happy colors!

  93. anat

    my favorite combination is brown+pink but i also like blue+yellow and browm+green. orange+brown
    warm colors in any combination!


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