Reclaiming your Creative Mojo

by | Productivity Advice, Scrapbooking Ideas | 4 comments

You’ve cleared your calendar for some β€œcreative time” only to discover that your creative β€œmojo” has disappeared. You had a million ideas running around your brain earlier, thus the clearing of the calendar, and then β€œpoof” – gone. Sound familiar?

It isn’t uncommon to find one’s creative thoughts evaporate into thin air. Or to have the ideas that seemed brilliant in your mind fizzle when you start to put the pieces together.

So what can you do? Here are 5 ideas to regain your mojo, or at the very least be productive with your time while it’s gone.

1. Do something else related to the creative effort, that isn’t the creative part.

For the scrapbooker/paper crafter, you could scan non-digital photos, put away a stash of scrapbooking supplies, cull through your supplies and let go of products that haven’t been used in over a year.

2. Be willing to abandon the original idea.

For example, you’ve been working with a set of three photos for a scrapbook layout. Consider it possible that those three images might not work together, revisit your photos from that event or activity, and modify your original set.

3. Be more daring with your ideas and let go of your right-side brain.

For example, rather than move the photo just three nudges to the left, move it all the way to the left. Turn the paper 180 degrees and see the layout from a different perspective.

4. Walk away for the day.

Sometimes it isn’t worth it to do anything creative. Let your brain work on the idea in the background while you get on with your day. Carry a notebook with you so that when an idea hits you, you’ll be ready to capture it before you forget it.

5. Play with your supplies.

Rather than focusing on the end result, play with your products. For example, you want to make a card, but have no ideas. Pick up a stamp set and stamp it in different colors on different papers.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, discusses nurturing creativity in this TED talk. I was especially interested in her description of author Ruth Stone’s creative process at the 10:20 mark.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Nat

    I really hate it when this happens to me. I really try not to force it, but sometimes the frustration is exponential when I have limited time available to craft. I try to do Step 1 as you describe – get something else done craftwise that’s not necessarily creative.

  2. soapHOUSEmama

    Oh, I know what this is like! So frustrating! Love all of your solutions πŸ™‚

  3. Amy Sampson

    I’m at that point where I have ideas in my head but just can’t get them out in front of me. Thanks for the article. I’m going to try this and see what happens. I really want to create lots of pages but the gumption or mojo isn’t there. I want it back!


  4. Laura

    great tips- thanks for the inspiration!


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