5 essential photography tips for scrappers

by | Digital Photography Tips | 4 comments


I’m not an expert in photography or cameras or any of the technical skills pertaining to taking great shots or choosing the right equipment. I’m just like you, an interested hobbyist who has picked up a few things here and there. When I want Simple Scrapper readers to get a real lesson, I’ll bring in a professional or point you to great resources.

We all know that photos are the reason for gathering in this community, but it took being neck-deep in digi and taking a weekend trip to really gain some perspective. Today, I’m going to share a few things I’ve learned about photography since I started digital scrapbooking. In particular, I’ll provide tips on how scrappers should think about taking photos.

1. Be your own cropping tool – Spend a moment to properly frame a shot, considering the rule of thirds and other aspects of great design.

2. Remember the people – This one is so important, I’ve separated my points into bullets:

  • First, don’t forget to actually take pictures of people. In a beautiful place, it’s all too easy to arrive home with hundreds of nature photos.
  • When shooting people, consider the scale and how those photos will look in a layout. Zoom (optical only) or get up close to focus on faces and action.
  • You’re a person too. Hand off the camera or do the long arm shot to make sure YOU are part of your own story.

3. Shoot high quality – While you don’t “need” 15 MP, shoot at the highest resolution your camera (and memory card) can handle so that your 12×12 prints look super-crisp.

4. Nix the flash – I live for beautiful days where I can take crisp outdoor photos at mid-morning or late afternoon. If possible, capture your best memories without a flash for the most natural look. Learn more about your camera to maximize ambient light.

5. Be unashamed – Who cares if you look like a tourist in a town you’ve visited a hundred times? Snap away and you just might get “the shot”.

Becoming a die-hard digi fanatic changed how I use my camera. I now snap with that hot new kit in mind or construct a layout in my head. Has scrapping changed how you take photos?

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  1. butterflygypsy

    thanks for the great tips. i really need to do the third one on tip #2. i seem to always forget to make sure i have any pictures of me!

    and i definately do #5! my dh was hasseling me the other day because i was taking pictures of my son in the grocery store. it was his first time riding in a truck cart (hes 11 months!). but i was like who cares!

    butterflygypsyÒ€ℒs last blog post..Life

  2. Suzanne

    “YouÒ€ℒre a person too…”

    This made me laugh! Thanks for the reminder! πŸ˜‰

  3. soffy

    Great tips… i hard find myself in my layouts ,,, i will work more on that!!


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