Celebrate Monday, Sept. 12, 2011


Welcome to the all new Celebrate Monday. We’ve retooled the feature to help you become a better memory keeper (with a focus on journaling) plus made it even easier to participate!

Celebrate Monday is a weekly journaling exercise designed to help you get back to basics and find more joy in your memory keeping.

Each week we’ll give you a prompt and you’ll be asked to select a story from your everyday life to share with us in the comments.

The idea is simple! Strip away the extras for a small moment to practice writing and center yourself on what is most important: the memory.

This week’s prompt:

The best Monday ever was…

How to Participate

  1. Select a favorite story, from past or present, related to the prompt.
  2. Share the memory by journaling in the comments on this post.
  3. Spread the celebration by commenting on stories from others.

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  1. Wendy G

    The Monday I remember most was on November 11th 1974 when our second son was born. I had gone to the hospital on the Friday before but my labor stopped. The nurses who signed me out to go home told me not to come back on Monday because they were always really busy that day. Well, our son had other plans and arrived at 1:32 pm!

  2. Samantha

    The best Monday (or, the first that comes to mind) was the one after my wedding. The guests were gone, the event was over, I actually got some sleep the night before, and I had a beautiful honeymoon with my new husband to look forward to. It was a nice lull between a stressful (but seriously fun) wedding weekend and a great honeymoon in Aruba. 🙂 Also, I was at my Mom’s house and she made waffles for breakfast, which is always a good thing.

  3. Sue

    I’ve liked Mondays for a long time. Starting a new week, new beginnings, new adventures; I like the newness.
    For me the best two Mondays ever were the birth of my daughter and her giving birth to my granddaughter.
    Each of those days represent utter delight and pure happiness for me.
    Mondays child is fair of face and pure of heart. I delight in their being.
    Mondays are special to me.


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