Weekly Recap + Weekend Reading

by | Announcements | 3 comments

The fact of storytelling hints at a fundamental human unease, hints at human imperfection. Where there is perfection there is no story to tell.
– Ben Okri

Weekly Recap

This week was an imperfect one. My emotions were on high alert as I try to juggle work and family. It’s that time of year when everything seems to be happening at once!

Emily is getting two new teeth this week (for a total of six), causing her quite a bit of misery. She simply would not smile for her 8 month birthday photos. This was as close as I got.

What did you do this week? Share your recap in the comments.

Weekend Reading

I’m going to leave you with just one article this week, because I really want you to read it. In 7 Tips for Overcoming Imperfection in Storykeeping Katie Clemons coaches you through some of the tough personal challenges that get in the way of journaling.

Every weekend at Simple Scrapper you are invited to join us for reflection on our memory keeping activities as well as our ongoing tradition ofΒ  sharing simple tips, tutorials and inspiring ideas from around the web.

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  1. Jennifer Smith-Sloane

    She is adorable! So serious and I can see so much of Steve and you both in her! πŸ™‚

  2. KellyS

    Your little cutie is about a month older than mine. She finally broke her first tooth, I just discovered that today. Hooray! She has been up at night, every night since Easter. She was sleeping very nicely though the night before this. Hopefully that second one comes fast and she can get back to sleeping! Just found your site today and will be back!


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