Keep Journaling Simple with the Page-A-Day Memory Logbook

by | Sponsors & Giveaways | 63 comments

With so many memories whizzing by each day, it can be difficult to keep track of all the stories you want to remember. Not all will be scrapbook-worthy but you need a single place to write and record.

For the past three years Kristin Rutten has offered this place to document your memories with her Memory Logbook.Β This year, Kristin has created several different editions to meet a wider range of needs. Check out this comparison chart to see the options.

What I Love About the Logbook

This is the third time I’ve reviewed the Memory Logbook (see 2010 and 2011 reviews). With all the creative support in our community, I deeply appreciate how Kristin has focused on offering a truly practical solution for the problem of journaling.

I took a look at the Page-A-Day Memory Logbook this year, but the core components that strike a chord with me exist in each edition.

I love how the Logbook gives me a specific space to record memories without worrying about making it pretty.

I love how a return to pen and paper can make you more deliberate in thought and action.Β 

I love that the Logbook offers plenty of space for additional notes, lists and monthly recaps

I love seeing the Logbook evolve year to year to meet ever-changing customer needs and desires.

Using the Page-A-Day Memory Logbook

While there are an array of sizes and print formats, this year’s Logbook series comes in four editions: Page-A-Day, Photo-A-Day, Project Life Compatible and All-in-One.

The Page-A-Day Edition is the most similar to previous years and is the most versatile. Each daily page includes a lined area, three blank boxes, and a top five list. I’ve embedded a tour of the Page-A-Day Edition.

The variety of spaces on each page make it easy to customize the Logbook for your own needs. You can use it just for memory keeping or also for daily note-taking, calendaring and planning. This edition comes as a two book set to cover the entire year.

I believe the most meaningful scrapbooking combines reflection with in-the-moment anecdotes. The Memory Logbook helps you keep those stories safe for later reflection and scrapbooking.

Special Offer

Use the coupon code SIMPLE2013 to take 10% off any version of the 2013 Memory Logbook: Page-A-Day Edition. This code expires 12/5/2012.


Three winners will be selected in a special giveaway for the Page-A-Day Memory Logbook. The prizes available are:

  1. 2013 Memory Logbook: Page-A-Day Edition (Print-Only PDF)
  2. 2013 Memory Logbook: Page-A-Day Edition (Fillable PDF)
  3. $5 credit toward any 2013 Memory Logbook: Page-A-Day Edition

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment below with a journaling tip by 11:59pm on Friday, November 30.

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  1. KarYn A.

    My journaling tip would be DO IT. My next one would be the Gratitude App – I can write daily a sentence or two about what I am thankful for that day and it is saved for future reference. Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. Jenny McGee

    I like Karyn’s advice to just do it. I make sure I journal on every page I do as I make it. Never have to go back to journal again. Even short and sweet is better than nothing. Thanks for a chance to win.

  3. Jeanette

    My journaling tip is to write down your thoughts about each day every night before bed; while it’s still fresh in your mind. This log book would be wonderful to keep next to the bed for this.

  4. Heidi

    I use It send you an email every day. If you want to remember something, you respond to the email and put whatever you want to remember in the email. The website saves your entries and can be accessed anytime.

  5. Mel H

    I use evernote…I can use it on my phone and my work and home computer and it syncs up. I use it to grab those quick thoughts or quotes that might otherwise be lost.

  6. Chelle Beeby

    Wow what an awesome prize, my tip that has helped me this year at least is… I use an app to take 1 photo a day (which I also did last year) but this year I made sure I put a comment on each day too. Might not (and usually doesn’t) have anything to do with the photo but it takes me just a few extra to make sure I comment and then later when I have the time I am able to transfer and expand if necessary. Thanks for the chance to win and happy holidays!

  7. Crystal

    loooove the logbooks and would love to have one for next year!!!

    Tip: Don’t ever feel like any story you have to tell is too trivial. It is all part of you and part of your memories so just get it recorded somehow someway.

  8. Laura T.

    I love your logbooks …

    A journaling tip … I have a few apps on my iPhone that I use to go back and remember things. I use Day One which I use daily to write the happenings of the day or quotes my kids say that I want to remember. I also use Momento which keeps track of my blog postings, twitter postings, and facebook postings.

  9. Sheri

    My journaling tip is to figure out a way that works for you and just do it. It could be a daily calendar where you write your thoughts, an online journal to type in notes every day or OhLife a daily email reminder. I had to discover which form worked the best for me and then make a habit of just doing it!

  10. Claire T

    I am a big fan of momento as a way of keeping track of the day to day. I really would like to go a bit deeper w my journalling and love the idea of these log books to assist with that.

  11. Kelly S

    I have a variety of journaling blocks and tags ready to go so I can quickly add them to my layouts. I try to keep a few different colors and styles that I know will go with most of my layouts.

  12. PatriciaD

    Journaling can be the hardest thing on a scrapbook page…sometimes you just START. Write something…at first it doesn’t even matter what, just WRITE. Then the next day come back and re-write it. It WILL BE better, then the next day (if still needed) write again. You will get it.

  13. Sherry G

    Make it easy to journal by keeping tools close at hand—either paper and pencil, a computer document or even a note on your phone. Just write it somewhere that you can go back to when you need it.

  14. Carolyn

    Love the idea of the Memory Log Book!! Love all the tips people have shared and totally agree #1 tip is to JUST DO IT – in whatever way works best for you. Since my memory isn’t great, for me capturing the highlights of the day (or story) at the end of the day is key. By having those tidbits already written recorded, I can more easily jog my memory to expand on the story/connections when I am ready to scrapbook.

    Thanks Jennifer for the chance to win this incredible memory keeping tool!!

  15. Kristie McK

    A journaling tip….I’ve started a Memory Jar. A large jar with a notepad and pen next to it. Anyone in our family can write a note and place it in the jar. Then busy mummy can sort through it when she has time πŸ™‚

  16. Wendy Vagner

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great little book……

    I have a lovely notebook that I covered with beautiful papers and embellishments that everytime someone in the family says something funny, cute or important to remember I just jot it down with the date next to it. It is just a lovely momento of the year as well – Sometimes I just stick a little photo in there too πŸ™‚

  17. ann

    Journalling over whelms me I always am meaning to get to it. My son says such funny htings and I regretfully forget to right them down. I’ll have to give some of these suggestions a try!

  18. Roxane F.

    I journal every night, just a few notes on what happened during the day and then I can refer to them when I scrapbook and do project life. Thanks for a chance to win!

  19. Amee

    Thank you very much for offering such an awesome give away! I have loved journaling since high school. My tip would be to take time to write down those little moments either in a pad kept in your purse or onto your note pad on your phone. We all know if we don’t write it down when it happens, it will be long gone later in the day & may not even remember it until weeks later when something triggers that memory! I’ve been so guilty of this as in not taking time to stop and write down the event. I’m hoping I win because this would give me a great tool to try to stay on top of things so when I get ready to scrapbook, I’ll have the memories already jotted down!
    Thank you again!!!!!

  20. Jean Marmo

    I save scraps of paper! With a corner rounder I can easily make tags for journaling. I use double stick tape to adhere them to paper and then just run them through my printer.

  21. Sue

    I like to try to add notes about the photos into the metadata within Lightroom. I don’t do that with all my photos but as I am reviewing my photos if a thought or story sticks out I will quickly type it up and enter it.

    I am a big fan of the LogBook. Kristen really understands what we need and then makes it. Awesome!

  22. Jen

    My journaling tip is lists! I love lists and find it’s easier to “write” when there are bullet points involved, LOL. Thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

  23. Cathleen Robin

    I use the project 365 on my iPhone, and I do to keep it shot and sweet.

  24. Janet

    Any journaling is better than no journaling, just put it down. Sometimes it is better to write it out first so you can make sure you have enough space. Make sure you write sometimes on your pages (for others sake to see it, if not for your sake) but if you really don’t like your handwriting use your handy dandy computer! With six kids and homeschooling I’m sure I would LOVE to win a copy of your logbook ;D

    • Janet

      Can the pdf forms be filled out on your computer? Or is it locked and needs to be printed?

  25. KikiK

    have with you always a small notebook and a pen to capture the everyday.

  26. Elaine

    I am so impressed with the memory logbooks and how versatile they are. I, like others, use Oh Life, as well as my notebook and pen, computer and sometimes voice recording.

  27. pammie~k

    I am one of those that dreads journaling – short and sweet works! I may not be a gifted writer, and I don’t need to be. What I need to do is get my thoughts down so that my kiddos (and their kiddos) can look at their memory books and have an idea of WWWWWH. I also try to do journaling in my own handwriting sometimes (had a custom font made)

    great giveaway – congrats in advance to the lucky winners

  28. Cindy

    My journaling tip is to not let what you consider to be less than perfect journaling stop you from doing it. In the future, they will be more concerned with the memories than your journaling style.

  29. Karen

    I’ve started a Five Year, one sentence journal. I can always find the time for one sentence, and I know I could write a lot more if there were room!

  30. Linda H

    I’ve loved reading everyone of these comments! I have attempted for about 15 years now to keep a daily journal. Lots of days are blank and some days are just one little sentence. So much of what we do, think and say fades too quickly. I keep plugging away at my journal not because I love writing, but I love the memories! Every year at this time I look at the Logbook and wonder if it would help me out. I haven’t yet taken the plunge. Perhaps this year will be it! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. rachel

    I have a notebook I keep nearby- to write down comments else I forget. Great to go back to for layouts… but get them down. Pages without journalling are just pretty pages in 15 years…

  32. Sylvia Fleetwood

    Anything to encourage me to keep a daily reminder of the folks I’ve met and the opportunities taken or missed each day would be good for helping me keep my memories available for future journaling pages I make.

  33. TJ Jay

    I write letters to my children several times each year. This becomes the journaling for one of my favorite photos.

  34. Luisa

    My journaling tip: I have a mini notebook (those that you get 3 fir $1 dll) in my car all the time. I used to have it in my purse but it wasvalways there. By having it in my car, whenever am in a stop light I can journal about the highlights of the days or day before. I dated and sometimes I even include the list of errands of the day, so I dont forget.
    Then when am going to journal I have all the important info at a glance.
    Have been doing this for the last 5 years now…

  35. Jodi Corry

    Journaling is definitely not one of my strong points. I think a lot of it comes from fears of not having the perfect grammar on every page. But I keep trying because I know the importance of leaving your story. This looks like a great product to add to my scrapbooking stash.

  36. SabineK.

    Have a notebook with you 24/7.
    Write down a word or a list if you donΒ΄t have time to write a story.
    Keep in mind which books youΒ΄ve read, which film you watched if its touch your heart.

  37. Barbara S

    I jot funny/poignant kid quotes, observations, memories, etc. onto 3×5 index cards with the child’s name and date at the top. The memory can quickly be saved without the need to write it our perfectly. With four sons, it’s easy then to sort the cards by name and date into a decorated ‘recipe’ file box. Great reference for scrapbook journaling later on! And the kids love it when I pull out their cards and read them aloud, even before I get around to scrappping them. πŸ™‚

  38. Cheryl

    Just set aside a few minutes to reflect on your day. I llike what others have said, make a list or write down a few key points. And most important, just do it. You will be creating precious memories for future generations.

  39. Mickey

    I pick up the cheap little notebooks when I see them on clearance and stuff them in my purse and a drawer in the kitchen – I write down things I want to remember that the kids say or events that happen….it is especially great for trips – I write down each day, where we are, what we did and anything I want to remember….that I know I won’t by the time I get the pictures scrapped.

  40. Jennifer Kellogg

    Would love this! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

  41. Mary Rogers

    last year was my first year using the Log book and I LOVE IT! I take a few minutes every night before bed and jot down a few things about our day. Works as a perfect companion to my Photo-A-Day commitment as well.

    LOVE the changes to the book this year. Worth every penny!

  42. Amy

    I have to admit…I’m a post-it note girl πŸ™‚ I spent $2.00 at the local dollar store, got a pack of post-its and some pencils and spread them around my house. All the places that things happen, living room, kitchen fridge etc.. And then, when that funny question is asked or a fabulous invention is made, I’m ready and more apt to right it down (and date it). The I can just collect those stickies and put them into a “Log Book”. Works great for me…

  43. Lily b

    My advice.would be to not only record events but to write turn thoughts and ideas that randomly come to mind. You never know who might need it later!!!

  44. laura davis

    Need to get my journaling down…

  45. HeatherB

    I would love a copy of the Logbook! My journaling tip is to tell about the little things that make up your normal day. Sure, big events are important, and are usually well documented, but life is composed of far more little things than big. And these little normal moments help shape us and our family in more ways than we can immediately see.

  46. Karen Moore

    Winning a Logbook would be the BEST present I could receive this year. My journaling tip … I’ve set up a word document that I write in every evening (or almost every). I also include major news events and to-do lists.

  47. Jean

    I have an inspiration file for ideas in all forms–pictures, notes and memorabilia. It keeps everything together in one place.

  48. Denise

    My journal tip is to keep everything in one place – I love to journal about the normal day to day things as well as special quotes or things that make me smile. Every night before I go to sleep I write a little about that day and then in my planner I sum it up with one word. Thank you for offering these wonderful books.

  49. KatieK.

    Journaling tip: keep little memo pads scattered around house with a pen or pencil rubber-banded to it. When someone says something you want to remember (funny, witty, sentimental, etc)- write it down. Hand it to them and ask them to note it. I always review it and make sure I’ve dated it, added the Who, Why, What, When, Where so the context & reason are captured also. I keep the bottom line empty and write the date and quick ‘title’ there so when flipping through book fast I can find next empty page as well as for scrapping (I use top bound memo books). Remember every so often to use them, file or copy them. I have learned to just copy them for scrapping as my family loves to flip through the books. And now they all add to the book without my prompting!

  50. Lilola

    Just do it! I always find it hardest to do the journalling, so I’ve started doing it first! Then, I’m so keen to get to the scrapbooking, that it goes quite quickly!!

  51. doris pick

    I buy one of those emgagement books each year and use the spaces to write down what I want to remember. When the kids were young, it was the cute things they did. Now it’s more of the ‘what I’m grateful for today” type list.

  52. Laura S

    When I first started journaling on scrapbook pages, it was pretty shallow and along the lines of “*event* happened! We all were there. I’m so happy about it!” And while there wasn’t exactly a depth of emotion behind those pictures, the journaling didn’t do the page justice. One day, it finally clicked – why doesn’t this sound like me? I thought about how I would goof off and tell the story to me sister, with all the weird turns of phrase and dramatics and complicated syntax. So my tip is if you’re having trouble finding your “voice,” you don’t necessarily need to did too deep inside – just think about how you tell someone else your story when you’re at your most “you.”

  53. brittany

    I use my journal to just let it all out. Its the one place that you can vent off steam and not have to worry about any “backfire”. Also speak from your heart. My journal is used for not only daily events, but poems that i write that just pop into my head. Write whenever you feel the need to get something out. Normally if you have something on your mind, the sooner the better. That way you dont forget what you want to say later. And who knows, what you write could be your saving grace, I know it was with me with all of my poems.

  54. Alicia McMahon

    On my Google calendar, I have a calendar that I call Daily Remembrances. I try to write just a little something everyday, some days have more than others.

  55. Gina L

    My tip is write it down to remember, but when putting it in your scrapbook, use your own handwriting at least sometimes. Future generations will love to see your handwriting, whether good or bad. It helps make a connection to who you are.

  56. Kim Brown

    That is soo cool. I love the idea and what a way to make it easy. I love this site!

  57. Anita

    I used to worry so much about my handwriting, even my printing. It’s rather sloppy when I’m excited about something. So my tip is to relax and just write something. As long as you can read your own handwriting, that’s all that matters! The Memory Logbook looks like an awesome product.

  58. Jana

    My tip is to journal right on the page in your planner the night of the event. That way it’s fresh in your mind and you can easily remember the date that it happened!

    Thanks for opportunity to win! I had a Logbook a couple of years ago and LOVED it!

  59. Kari

    When working on a scrapbook page I think of what I would tell my mom (who has lots of patience to listen to long stories and is interested in my life) about the photos. If it’s important enough to tell her, it’s important enough to write down.

    Also, if I have something to say that doesn’t really enhance the layout I write it on the back. Sometimes this is just a note about what was happening while I made the page or something I remember about the camera going kaflooy when I tried to take the pictures. Little random things that will be treasures for my daughter to find someday. πŸ™‚

  60. fancyscrapper

    Just do it. Write something. Every day. So simple.

  61. Amanda Tea

    My journaling tip….use your own handwritting once in a while. future generations will be glad you did πŸ˜‰

  62. Marie H.

    I keep a day planner in my purse to jot down notes for journaling as it happens. This way I don’t have to try and remember a week, month or year later. I also will jot down if there are pics on my camera or phone that are associated with the event.

    I would love to win an official logbook! Thank you for the opportunity.



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